Originally posted by 2112:
OK, there seems to be a lot of debate about this kit...that is good. It's not rocket science, true, but if it is common sense, everyone would be doing it. There is a lot of discussion about running low gage monster cable. The reason that wont work is insulation and radio interference. These wires are 5 layer protected wires. Monster cable is not designed this way. The kit is only $99 bucks or so. It is a suggestion and info I am sharing with the group. One of the reasons the import crowd has soo many cool products is they work together and try new stuff. Some sucks and some is really, really good. By the time you buy and build your own kits, you will have spent about $50 or so and your home made kit won't work that well. Again, I am just sharing a good product with everyone. It seems the group is really bent on shooting everything down these days. Not everyone has the money for forced induction or 3.0 litre projects. If I could get a product that does actually produce 5hp, rev higher, be easier on the ignition system(allowing for more high end hp) and get better gas mileage for about $100, I would jump all over it

Wait a minute man, you just said 5 to 8 hp over on fordcontour.org. Make up your fake marketing statistics and stick to em at least. For all the people who don't understand exactly what sort of bowl [censored] this guy is trying to pass, look here and see how the ignition works...


See those little tiny black lines coming off the spark plug? This is where this mystery kit works its magic gaining 5 whole hp. If you believe that, I've got some ocean front property in arizona baby!

As far as trying to disprove everything new??? NO, but this garbage?? Yes!! This is utter crap, I've spent a lot of time building car stereos and with the help of grandfather who is an electrical engineer I've learned a thing or two about how in car electronics work. The most important thing to know when dealing with electronics is that it's 90% marketing. Take the capacitor for car audio...... well that's a whole other can of worms. I did send an email to Joe at SP as a concerned customer. I did not see this 'kit' posted on his site, THANK GOD. But I did direct him to this post and explain how I thought it would negatively effect his business to sell this crap. You sir have nothing that can't be had for half or less than half what you want for it. And forget whether or not you need it, you don't even want it. There is no 'miracle ground' that you've been hiding away only now to bestowe upon us weary car people who are longing for 5-8 more.... er... I'm mean 5 more hp and we just can't afford those darn superchargers and 3 liters.