Just sent my money VIA the Information Super Highway. I've found this website to be the most valuable, extensive and informative sites on the web. Well worth a contribution especially with the money you can save with group buys, sales and knowledge. For cryin out loud, for the price of 4 Starbucks non-fat-soy-hazelnut-mocha-blend with sprinkles you too could be a part of CEG.

Lets keep this going guys. Without CEG I would actually have to be doing my work.

They say "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." Then why the hell don't they outlaw people?

** 2000 SVT Contour-Black **
* KKM with BAT pipe
* Removed Resonator
* A6 Sidemarkers/Removed Ding Guards
* Oval Mesh Grills
* Bitchin Tunes
* A Heavy Foot