Originally posted by IRingTwyce:

Seriously, I hope everything goes well for you. Sucks about having to take meds from here on out though.

That was the part I struggled with the most. Lots of tears. Mostly thinking "damn, I'm not even 30 yet and I gotta take pills everyday like an 80 year old"
I've hit the acceptance stage now though, so talking about it no longer gets me choked up.
Plus there are people with far worse out there in this world, so I gotta count my blessings.

It still somewhat bothers me that I agreed to kill off a piece of my own body. It's mine dammit, I wanna keep it!
But I asked what were the ill effects of letting Graves disease go untreated and he said eventually I'd develop heart and bone problems. So I chose the life of regulated hormone levels.

btw, all females are dirty bombs. We expell lethal gas.

Kim 1995 Contour GL Needs less "needs more"