Originally posted by PlatoSVT:
Ok, I'm hankering to know how I'm doing on my credit, number wise. My report looks pretty good, everything's accounted for, 6 open accounts, and about 8 g's in debt. But, I've only been building credit for 3 years(currently 21) Should I go with a FICO score, or the Experian score?

If you want to know exactly what any other lender is going to see, FICO is going to be more universally accepted. Chances are that's what a lender is going to see. And, in my experience it tends to read a bit more conservatively (i.e. lower) so you've got less chance of being surprised when a lender pulls up a different score than you thought you had.

But, really any one of them will work. It's kinda like using a Dyno -- yeah, it'll vary a little depending on which one you go to, but as long as you always measure yourself against the same one, you'll be able to see any improvements made.

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