Originally posted by posthuman63t:

Right, I actually prefer waiting. College time is starting again which means mega-money going to books and parking passes. I won't have any money for like, 2-3 weeks.

That's a terrible excuse-You rent books.

Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
Interest List:
1. Harrry
2. Posthuman63t
3. codypka
4. Nick98CSVT
5. BrandonSVT99
6. Ooklah
7. NothernMystique
8. TourDeForce
9. TeamSVTour
10. wa2tuff
11. DyComet
12. m4gician
13. CSVT1214
14. CSVT1214
15. debos99csvt
16. EXCEL4600C
17. Cinder
18. Big Daddy Kane
19. enigma11211
20. RandyCSVT
21. johnny hennessy
22. greaseymonkey
23. snowb159
24. iluvmytour
25. bensenvill
26. 99 red svt
27. sonza68
28. morbid
29. Hdbngr8
30. 111R
31. Matty K
32. SoundQ SVT
33. chattavegasSE
34. Ronan
35. ovalracer98csvt
36. gooserex
37. 98SVTC
38. 00 SVEET
39. TheeSVTShow
41. Kremithefrog
42. J3SVT

Also, as far as paypal goes...do you have paypals "upgraded" account? Is that why they would charge you? would it make a difference if the sender had a verified paypal account?

98' Black SVT Build #1915 of 6535