I've got a question for anyone that's familiar with the way impounds work.

One of my cars was impounded, and I'm not really sure why yet. The car was taken during the middle of the day, there was no knock at the door by an officer or anyone to let me know it was being taken away. I wasn't driving with a suspended license... heck, I haven't driven the car since I got my CSVT. It was parked by my house.

At this point, I really don't care about the car. The impound says I owe them way more than I can afford, and I told them that. They said that if I give them $500 and the car (by Tuesday, no less), they'll call it even.

My question is, is that how it works? Why can't I just forget about it all, and let them have the car? Why should I pay them AND give them my car? Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Just your average lurker ^_^