Originally posted by timeless420:
Originally posted by lauraq:

Please register soon. We are having issues with registrations and really need to get everyone signed up ASAP. I will put you down as a definate. Thanks.

He is right everyone this is a great chance to have some fun with your Contours.


I will be able to register as soon as I know how much it is costing me to get the 72 Cutlass back on the road and how much extra it will be for insurance after I have it appraised. How soon would you need me to register? I'd be looking at a single day though.

That is fine but you could still register to hold your spot and if necessary cancel. I will return your money to you.

1998 BLK SVT CONTOUR #2980 of 6535 395,000(ish) km (and counting) SVTOA-TORONTO Chapter Director www.svtoa-toronto.ca