disclaimer: this is not an attempt to bash anyone or anything regarding this whole issue, this is simply using an outlet to DISCUSS a current issue

that being said...

i will go ahead and put my flame suit on but i just have a question...call me devil's advocate here but i am a white american male....very proud of my heritage and my country...active in voting and politics....but in the broad spectrum here....what is so different about all of this, then what our ancestors did 220 some odd years ago by fleeing england and settling in this land.....we didnt come over here and learn native american languages, we forced our culture on other peoples, so why have we become so arrogant as to think that we are supreme enough to turn our backs on a people fleeing oppression and one sorry-ass economy for the opprotunity at something else? when answering this question, i understand that some mexicans are making NO ATTEMPT whatsoever to understand and respect our culture, but again remember that 200+ years ago we made NO ATTEMPT whatsoever to understand and respect other cultures...

--Chris-- 1999 Silver Frost SVT #1671 of #2760