They gave me a raise! $5k!
back in like May or something we were all given cost of living pay increases, but my boss spoke to his boss and stated that he thought I deserved a bit more of a raise then that.
He told me about that conversation back then, but honestly I didn't think much of it. I figured like $500 or something.

My feelings are that the bonus program here is beyond exceptional and brings my salary up to what I think I'm worth in this industry. Apparently they feel my work is worth more than that.

My boss said it was a pain at first because they weren't going through the proper channels to get this set in place (plus we can get really stupid busy around here during month and quarter ends, so I can see how something like this can get put off for months).

I'm beyond grateful.
I still don't feel like I deserve it, and I mentioned that to him. He said I definitely deserve it, and also, other people doing less than me for a while have been making more, so that was his initial motivation to get me the raise. He rulez.

Kim 1995 Contour GL Needs less "needs more"