Originally posted by sail114:
Since when are snow tires innapropriate equipment!?!?
I would have been freikin pissed! (granted, I'd probably be more pissed about the car).

Exactly what i told the state trooper. He didn't seem to care that i was forced off the road, he kept telling me i was speeding which i was not. He didn't even ask about the other car. The stupid state trooper had the nerve to ask me which way and why i went in the woods. I had witnesses that saw the van force us from the road, i am going to call them and get them to talk to the officer, a lot of good it will do now though. And yeah i am really pissed about the car.

If that guy would have stopped it would have been a very bad night. I am very protective over that car.

My Xbox did survive though, it was in the backseat in a Gamestop carrier.

To have walked away unscratched from rolling a car tells you alot about how safe a car is. Another reason i plan on getting another contour.

98.5 Black SE ATX S&B filter, SVT MAF, optimized SVT TB, mesh grille, removed orange reflectors, painted rear reflector, gutted pre-cats, optimized SVT LIM, 19lb injectors, resonator removed cant afford an svt but lookin for 1 in nc