Originally posted by MxRacerCam:

well, everything has value, rog. and for a high-schooler who's finances are tight, i can understand wanting to get some cash for them. but i will agree about the free help part.

Exactly, it's not that i'm trying to be like a greedy bastard or anything, but i'm a junior in highschool, that although gets 6.50/hr, only work 10hrs. a week TOPS, and i only get paid ONCE A MONTH, so i hope you can understand me trying to get some money where i can. My averagr MONTHLY CHECK is no higher than 200 usually.

And as for free help, it is always appreciated and never goes un-noticed, even if someone's sittin around readin magizines *cough* ROG *cough* their company and conversation can still be appreciated.


~Alex Ex- SVT Driver627 MUST SELL!!!LOCAL: Pre-98 MOLDED trunk Polk db speakers Corolla parts LED Underbody Kit PM 2000 Green CSVT gone on 2/17/06 2001 Toyota Corolla (SHE RUNS!!!) 1989 Mustang LX 5.0