Originally posted by Fmr12B:
Originally posted by DJ Capp 911:
Originally posted by Fmr12B:
Originally posted by Zoom Zoom Diva:
I am not against the procedure, but I am against insurance covering the procedure and people being able to use disability while recovering.

Normally used for people who are 100lbs overwight.

Now while I kinda agree on the above statement it is probably saving the insurance companies in the long run as these overweight people develop other more costly health problems. (High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease & Diabetes to name a few)

This $10K one time fix has some good results. It's not just that these people feel full, they will be physically sick if they eat too much.

Now, the long term effects are unknown, and this is the primary reason I have not opted for Lasik surgery.

I wouldn't dare compare this to lasik!!! Nothing experimental really about lasik. Its about understanding lenses and focal points. Laser reshapes cornea so light refocuses properly. Just like setting a broken bone and putting in a cast. I have had laser corrected vision for 5 years now. IT is awesome. It is corrected to 20/12.5 I compared it with friends by trying to read some sighns ans my vision was better than everyones

So by 'long term' you look at five years?

They reshaped your cornea but cutting some of it away! Any idea what the long term effects will be and if your vision worsens then what?

And ZoomZoomDiva, my insurance does cover a percentage of the lasik. Hell my Dental insurance covers orthodontics. Both Cosmetic elective procedures.........

Considering after 5 years my vision hasn't worsened one bit, i think that is a good preliminary statement. The only healing process involved is healing the cornea flap that they cut to reshape the cornea. Think of knee surgery when you tear a minisucus. They cut some of it away. IF you reinjure it, they will have to cut more away and you will wear some down over time as well I wouldn't call cornea's a wear item

My lasik was completely covered by insurance, thats why i got it done!!!