allright well yesterday i got really bored at school in my cisco class and i just started writing this script on this server i have... the main purpose of this script is to let all you people that need a place to host videos and pictues have a place to store them.

well i started in, got the upload script working and all, but i just sorta stopped yesterday afternoon because i didnt even know if it would get used. i would finish it up if i knew it would become useful to someone!

here is what i have sofar, but this is just the login part... isnt done and totally working yet, i havent gotten the registration section done either, so you cant register yet.

if even a few people showed interest for it i would finish up the site and keep it going for along time. but if not, i guess ill just have to go back to googling people and searching on ebay.

this site would give you your own folder, im not at all worried about storage space or transfer. you can upload all the files you want, with a certain upload size limit i havent decided on yet. but probably big enough to allow some short movies or so.

i know some people dont want to register for something else, but all you have to do is just make up a username and password, then a code will be sent to your email to confirm your email, thats it. probably a whole 1 minute to register, confirm, and upload your first pics.

well, i gotta little work to do, so ill get back to that and check back in a little while to see if there is any interest in this... later~!

WTB: Andy's Auto Sport front bumper only... a chip for my 98se