
I don't think huge planes are going to be all that popular in the future, people don't want to drive to one of the huge airports than can accomidate these things

You won't have to drive to the huge airports to fly them. These planes, like the 747s do today, will leave from the central hubs and fly to other central hubs. Chances are, unless you live in New York or LA, you'll fly a smaller plane to the larger airport, then get on the larger plane, just as most people do today.


and spend the large amount of time loading and unloading everything (people and luggage), even if they use multiple jetways.

The A380 uses 4 jetways, the 747 only 1. That's 400% more capacity for a plane that only holds 20% more people. One of the major selling points for the A380 is the speed of which it unloads and loads. Gate dwell is too expensive for an airline to want an aircraft to sit there for hours.

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