Originally posted by Trapps:
One question, two points and one point w/ a question:

Q. What is this 'truth' we'll hear about in the future?

P. Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) and Sen. Fritz Hollings (D-SC) introduced proposals to restore the draft in 2003. The House voted on that bill, defeating it 402-2.

P&Q. Fatmike, you do realize you can serve YOUR country without killing another human being. Running to Canada, in the event a draft does occur, certainly won't tip the scales in favor of you being a considered a brave American. Would you feel differently if the war were here? On US Soil.

P. Finally, this complete BS about Refusal to Discharge Is an Involuntary Draft is driving me nuts. Before you are activated in the US Armed Services, you sign a ton of paperwork. It clearly states your obligations are not simply or exactly limited to the lenght of time you sign up for. By signing up, you agree to those terms, including extended duty and re-calls(Inactive Reserves). A point MM and others leave out of their dis/mis/non-information.


True, but what is not being publicized is that ACTIVE DUTY
Army is being allowed to ETS or ask for reassignment- even if that means they would exit a combat zone, while National Guard troops are being involuntarily extended.

To further slap us in the face, there is a provision in the Thrift Savings Plan (automatic voluntary payroll withdrawl to a mutual fund account) that would allow for matching contributions if you are in a critical MOS. Problem is, they never designated any MOS as critical. Currently, they are training every and any unit they can find to fill MP missions. They are extending NG MP soldiers up to and exceeding one year past their ETS dates. Yet this is still not a critical enough MOS to get a 4% matching govt contribution? Talk about rubbing salt in a wound.

95 Contour SE ATX V6- SOLD 2001.5 VW Passat GLX V6 Tiptronic 2004 Honda VTX 1800N1 There are no stupid questions. There are a LOT of inquisitive idiots.