Originally posted by Davo:
Originally posted by Dan Nixon:
Is this the way liberals are looking at this election..

If so, they're in for quite the reality check. John McIntyre of RealClearPolitics.com sums it up nicely:
Originally posted by John McIntyre, RCP:
But what really makes Democrats and the liberal elites sick is they know what George W. Bush is going to do with this hard fought victory. They saw him take a 500,000 popular vote loss and ram through massive tax cut after massive tax cut. They saw him in a post 9/11 world radically shift American foreign policy to embrace the doctrine of American preemption and military dominance. They know full well what George W. Bush can do.

For an average President, a 51-48 win wouldn't be that big of a deal. For this President, however, a majority of the popular vote coupled with expanded majorities in Congress is all he needs to permanently change the political course of this country.

Democrats know that on a whole host of policy issues a world of hurt is coming their way. Private accounts for Social Security, medical savings accounts, tax simplification, tort reform and much, much more are all in the pipeline.

And let's not kid ourselves with the idea that any of this is going to be bipartisan. There will be no negotiation with the Nancy Pelosis, Charlie Rangels or Barbara Boxers in this Congress. The bipartisanship will come from Red State Democratic Senators who have seen what happened to their former Red State Democratic Senators who obstruct and side with the far Left.

We haven't even mentioned the Big Kahuna: the Supreme Court. In many ways the battle for the Supreme Court is the single most important issue. Democrats know they were lucky to go four years and not have a single appointment from President Bush. They won't be so fortunate this time.

With 55 Republican Senators and the ghost of Tom Daschle echoing in the Senate chamber, President Bush is going to seriously reshape the third branch of our government. While the press may reduce this to being all about abortion, in reality abortion and Roe vs. Wade will only be a very small part of what the Supreme Court is going to have the final say over in the next 30 years. And liberals know that it is not just the three or four appointments to the High Court, but the dozens, even hundreds of lifetime appointments to the entire Federal bench that will lock in conservative jurisprudence for an entire generation.

This brings us back full circle to how devastating to liberals that 135,000 vote margin in the Buckeye state will be to the future course of this country. Was this a mandate or a landslide for President Bush? No. But it was one of the most consequential elections in this nation's history, the ramifications of which will be felt for decades. And behind all the vitriol, blather and post-election spin; that sick feeling among Democrats is because they know this to be true.

Link to rest of article.

Hurrah for the single party system! Wait that been tried before. Well thank God we had the we had the most powerful country in the free world to show them the error of their ways!
So who will show us?
"We have met the enemy and they are ours."

I can see where this has nothing to do with the topic other than to inflate your little conservative chubbies. So thanks for playing.

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