Originally posted by Lee:
Originally posted by dnewma04:
Computer has been broken for a few days...sorry for the late response.

The answer is easy...remove marriage from all legal documents, make everything a civil union.

It will never get a majority vote. The Supreme Court would be the only group able to nullify the institution of Marrage. Supreme Court appointments are going to more concervitive(sp?) judges by Bush.

Married status permiates through the very heart of society. You are asking a majority to accept that their views on a long standing institution, over 2300 years old in current form, are wrong. Perhaps the effort should be put into changing the social conventions that marrage affords and not the institution itself. Of course this will run headlong into the issue of some people needing a label to be happy instead of fullfilling the needs of the arguement they provide. I.E. Rich or Poor

I am suggesting changing the term used to describe a legal union, not the "institution or marraige". It probably won't happen, but it's a shame. I never once said you couldn't call yourself married, or that you can't go through a marriage, just that from a legal perspective, it would be called a civil union.

"If you are flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit" -Mitch Hedberg