Hmm.... let me ask the forum this:

How do you feel about public nudity? Certainly, we could and should categorize those who are members of nudist camps as a minority. However, we are enforcing our morals and values on them by requiring them to wear clothes in public. It would not harm me any more to see a nudist practicing their philosophy than it would to allow gay marriage, but I am against both because I believe both to be detrimental to a society based upon family cohesion. We, as a society, hold to certain values. Any and every law could be considered discrimination if we want to take it to ridiculous levels. However, I don't think we want to take it there. I think we, as a society, have every right to have our voice heard by popular vote as to what we do and do not find acceptable. The people have spoken.

With respect Sandman, I believe your analogy is flawed. If the right to be naked in public was enjoyed by all citizens, except a minority of them - then that minority could possibly claim discrimination.

If the rule, right or law is universal, ie: no exceptions, then there is no minority to consider in the application of that rule, right or law. I believe this would be the case in your scenario.