Funny how I am far from the only one that thinks judges are overstepping their bounds.


Gay Marriage is inevitable, and it will happen in our lifetime. The way the current laws are written, these CITIZENS deserve the same rights and privledges as any other couple under the Constitution. You've truly shown your redneck ways with a statement like that.

Wow can you say "I am dead wrong and have no idea about the person I am referring to as a redneck." If you can say those words, you should. Guess what buddy? I was born and raised in that little state to your west called New York, 10 minutes away from New York City. So you can take your typical northern hypocrite, I am better than everyone, attitude and shove it. Look past the tip of your nose "Mr. Kerry." There is a whole world out there that doesn't agree with that northern attitude.

Gee, this whole thread has been about respecting people's opinions and accpeting people for who they are. But you come in with some crap about me being a redneck. I don't care about being called a redneck, I am just trying to point out the typical hypocrisy that has run crazy throughout this thread. I have said it once, and I will say it again; all I hear in this thread is the crap about accpeting gays for who they are. But God forbid someone have a different value system than you. No, then we are all bible beating, redneck, KKK members. Can't have it both ways. Just as it is their "right" to be gay, it's my right to disagree with their lifestyle choices and do my best with my vote to make sure they don't desicrate marriage.

"Moore has also accused the American people of being the stupidest, most naive people on the face of the Earth. And after last weekend, he's got the box office numbers to prove it!"