And that's exactly what the problem is: discrimination.

As far as Sandman's previous post. This thread wasn't really started because of gays not being able to use the term "marriage" (even though it's been a big part of the discussion) but with voting the way it went there isn't really even open discussion available for civil unions in a lot of states now. No matter how you cut it and no matter what the "majority" might say it is discrimination. I don't believe that people should have to accept homosexuality or like it or anything, but they should not be allowed to discriminate against it simply because it doesn't fit "their morals" just like no one should be allowed to force a black person to eat in a different restaurant simply because they're morals tell them black people are bad, wrong, or subhuman etc.

Formerly known as Sneaku I MISS MY BABY!!! '00 Blk CSVT #1087/2150 built 12/23/99