Originally posted by ExDelayed:
Times have changed and the courtroom is what the laws happen now.

And that is scarey as hell. When these nutcase liberal judges decide they know whats right, screw what the laws say, and make their own damn laws, then we lose our system of checks and balances.

Why even vote for laws anymore? Some stupid ass judge with a propaganda is going to make his mind up for the majority. To some of these judges it does not matter that 76% of Oklahomans want to make marriage be between man and a woman. No, if they don't want it, then it wont be there. Out of all the states, Oregon was the closest vote, and even there the vote was 57% to 43%. Sorry to all the people out there that want to bastardize what marriage means; the people of these 11 states have spoken. All you liberals can run to your nutcase judges now and work on overturning what an overwhelming majority of Americans wanted now.

"Moore has also accused the American people of being the stupidest, most naive people on the face of the Earth. And after last weekend, he's got the box office numbers to prove it!"