Duely noted.

This poster made a broad generalized statement that he feels applies to everyone. Although on a biological level, his views may be correct, on a human level his views do not apply to everyone since obviously humans are not dominated 100% by science. If they were, we would not be having this discussion, there would be no religion, nothing spiritual to believe in, no reason to hope, no reason to live other than a meaningless biological robotic life of reproduction. The Bible would have no purpose nor would any other text prophecising things like "rising from the dead" or "eternal life" because obviously we would not believe in these things.

I say we are different. I say humanity is indeed blessed in some way that all of us do not understand no matter how much we claim to. I say it is this uniqueness that sets the stage for our society. That only the facts be our laws and that the people live how they choose as long as everyone respects each other and gives each other the right to live as they wish.