Originally posted by CHF_Slapaho:
so lets just apply my religion to my government and deny gay people the right to be as equal as I am b/c they give me the jibblies.

I didn't mean to imply that. Let them have a civil union, but lets leave the definition of marriage alone. Its for a man and a woman.

Also, I don't think comparing this to racism is a valid comparison. Racism is about discriminating against a persons skin color, male or female. This is about reserving the religious ceremony of marraige for a man and woman as it was instituted for, not for those who choose an alternative lifestyle.

But then this opens the debate of whether being gay is a choice or not, which probably is the reason this is such a big deal; it's all opinion built on other supporting opinions, which are built on other supporting opinions to support the supporting opionions. You can show me studies that say they are born gay, but I can show you just as many that say it was a result of their upbringing or is their choice. This whole deal is just about the farthest thing from cut and dry.