Originally posted by CHF_Slapaho:
...if they're trying to have something better for themselves, why stop them on the basis of their orientation?

Because the majority of people simply don't believe it's right.

I think being gay is wrong. I don't agree with it and I think it's gross. The people who are blatantly gay and want the world to know they're gay annoy me. But not all gay folks are like that. Some of them act normal. I have normal gay friends. [/cliche] I joke about them being gay and they joke about me being straight. I don't agree with what they do and it grosses me out, but that doesn't mean I don't like the people who they are.

I don't, however, think that my friends should be able to be in a gay marriage. This has nothing to do with descrimination or thinking I'm better than someone else. It has to do with the act of being gay and the act of being straight. They are DIFFERENT. Don't pretend they're the same because they are not. Don't push for straight rights for gay people because it won't happen until gay people are in a majority. It might be unfortunate and you might think it's wrong. But enough people disagree with you. I'm not crying in my beer because all eleven states voted against it. I wonder how the gay community would react if my future wife (see below) and I wanted to adopt an openly gay child. Oh, the sh*t storm that would ensue...