I really dont want to read this entire thread, just to hear people argure back and forth about who is right, who is wrong, if its religion a choice or whatever.

The main point is that on the second day in November, 2004, a decent portion of eleven bigoted (homophobic?) states took the CIVIL RIGHTS away from roughly ten percent of the American public.

I guess if getting our hands tied behind our backs or having to ride on the back of the bus is what it takes to be an American then I guess I am a real American. Just make sure that when my rights are taken away, I still get to pay my share of taxes just like the remaining ninety percent of the country, because when it comes to the almighty dollar, we are all the same.

Obviously this is still a touchy subject, and it probably will be for quite some time. For now, Im going to stand behind the idea of, "66% of all Utahans can go [censored] themselves."

· Jon Miconi · Coming Soon! · 01 Cougar · 98 V70R