Originally posted by Andy W.:
I have no problems with the gay union movement. I'm not gay, so it doesn't effect me. I have no problem with homosexuals bind themselves legally to each other just like opposite sex couples do. My problem is with the tearing down of every institution that has been in place since the founding of this country. I.E Women demanding to be let into all male military schools, woman wanting to be get into all male golf course clubs. We don't demand to be apart of girl scouts or the red hat club.

That being said my argument is pretty much over the connotation/denoation of the word "marriage." For centuries it has stood for the union of a man and woman with the idea of build a family. I admit it's petty but can't this institution be left alone. Homosexuals are different so why not use a different word. Biologically they cannot produce offspring without external aid.

The whole idea of inclusion drives me nuts. While I don't believe anyone should be made fun of or discriminated against for being different. The fact is they are and situations have to handled differently. This has more to do with schooling than homosexuals.


I like the way you said that point of view.

Why does a person's sexual orientation have such a factor in making them different? Honestly, we're all different, even if your neighbor shares the same creed, color, culture, heritage, background... you're still different. Nothing makes you a carbon copy of the guy next to you. So you like hip-hop, does that make you more different? You dress preppy, does that make you more different? You could be the greatest baseball player in the world, but as soon as you taste the salami that's all the world seems to remember you for. As a country, we should be making strides to be inclusive, not exclusive. Are we going to hide our eyes to the fact that within a matter of years minorities will be the majority in this country? I see a scared nation unwilling to change, and change is what the constitution is all about. A living document that amends itself according to time.