Originally posted by DESIGN:
My earlier statement meant that the homo-sexual community was not exactly represented in the media in a manner that showed them as Americans that just want to get by in the world. It is one of the reason that I do change the channel. I agree with you about the Spears thing.

I agree and I wonder why the powers that be in the major networks choose to portray them as such. You and I both know that there are many well respected gay individuals leading companies and serving in government positions that do not deserve the stigma that they get from this type of attention.


The laws of America do not give anyone the RIGHT to be married. For that matter it is not a right. The laws of the States simply recongnize an existing institution and the benifits to society by supporting it.

I do not feel threatened by the thought of SSM but it would have detrimental effects on the country as a whole. If you think that it is hard to afford and keep medical benifits now it would be impossible if anyone could be considered a spouse.

But once you start deciding on the basis of race, creed, gender, culture, color, sexual orientation you are violating the American citizens basic civil rights that JFK, Martin Luther King and others fought so hard for. We are supposed to judge people on the basis that they are card carrying American citizens who are supposed to go through the same struggles that each of us goes through every day. As soon as someone starts deciding that some people are more citizen than others, it is discriminization which is unethical and unconstitutional. You can believe in the Bible or the Koraan or the Old Testament or whatever... but if you don't believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights you don't belong in this country at all.