Originally posted by R_G:
Originally posted by Fat Mike:
I challenge anyone who thinks gay marriage is wrong, to actually go out and become friends with a gay person. They're some of the coolest and most sincere people I know.

Ohhhhhh, pweeeeeeeeeaze, they are the same as all other ppl - cool and uncool, pleasant and unpleasant, greedy and generous, nasty and good-hearted. They are the most sincere people? Generally speaking - lemme ask you, how on Earth can you jump to conclusions based on your personal friendship with several Oregon homosexuals? Maybe you lucked in by having met only "coolest and most sincere" ones? Besides, Mike, u r like churning out/operating in absolute terms - the ppl u personally consider as the most sincere might seem exactly opposite to somebody else.

I guess that by labeling homosexuals in the way u did - u r not stepping far away from narrow-minded anti-homosexuals bumper stickers carrying old ladies.

I never said they were all cool and sincere, hence my usage of the word some. Some gay people I know annoy the hell out of me, but so do plenty of straight people. I just don't hang out with them then - but I don't try to take away their rights or tell them how to act. I'm simply stating that people shouldn't be afraid to get to know gay people. Also, as I have stated many times before, I'm not asking anyone to accept homosexual lifestyles - if you think they're wrong, then that's your choice. But I think it's really wrong that people opposed to it are so willing to change our constitution to take away rights from them. I don't see how those are absolute statements.

I think a lot of the opposition doesn't look at gay people as actual people, based on the fact that many of them avoid friendships with them. Our constitution was created to give rights to people and to protect our freedoms - not take them away from us.


If an overwhelming majority of people in this country feel that it is wrong to allow them to marry, why should they be allowed to impose their will on us?

Just because the majority thinks a certain way, doesn't make discrimination right. We shouldn't have to vote on whether or not these people can marry. They're not imposing their will on anyone but themselves. You're the one imposing your will/beliefs on them. It doesn't effect you in any way if they get married.

1999 Black SVT "If I were an admin I'd ban you without a second thought. " ~Trapps