Marriage is not a civil right; it is a right givin by laws, which were enacted by the people of this country. And I am leaving religous marriage out of that.

What are laws, if they aren't the people of this country's moral values and belief systems set on paper, and enforced by the courts?

If an overwhelming majority of people in this country feel that it is wrong to allow them to marry, why should they be allowed to impose their will on us? I am against gay marriage, civil unions, or whatver. Call me what you want, and I know I will get a $hit storm for this as I have in the past on here, but I think being gay is wrong based on moral and religious reasons, so sorry if I offend any of the live and let live, fell good'ers on here. Traditional values have been under constant attack in this country and I am glad that for once it was defended.

"Moore has also accused the American people of being the stupidest, most naive people on the face of the Earth. And after last weekend, he's got the box office numbers to prove it!"