Originally posted by 99blacksesport:
I love how people that are for gay marriage love to preach respect for people's opinions, and accepting people for who they are....

But when someone has an opinion different from them, no matter if its based on faith, morals, whatever, those people are wrong and they are bigots and haters for having that opionion.

The true hypocrites are those that can't accept the fact that some (and by the votes, a majority) people think that marriage should be between a man and a woman.

Not sure whether it was addressed to me. Anywayz, first I never said that I was pro gay marriages. The term "old ladies" I used - or generally ppl imposing their views based on their morals or faith - I never said they were wrong - I again do not operate with such terms - they are just ppl I personally can't stand - exactly like I can't stand the militant homosexuals imposing their values upon me.