Originally posted by Sandman333:
Originally posted by Fat Mike:
Originally posted by Sandman333:
Originally posted by CHF_Slapaho:
Originally posted by Sandman333:
A gay marriage does not fit the traditional definition of a family, on which this country is based. Sorry for the confusion.

You define a traditional family by the culture in which you were brought up in. Who are you to force your beliefs upon others who were not raised the same way and do not believe in what you believe in?

The culture was there LONG before I was born. This is the point you missed completely.

Culture change isn't a bad thing. This country wasn't based on tradition. We were so sick of tradition that we dropped everything we owned and sailed across the Atlantic to start a better, more progressive society. Our culture is in a constant state of change, and at some point we're going to have to adapt society to better serve these changes.

Apparently, according to popular vote, you are in the minority here, and hence must concede to the wants of the majority. It's law now. It's what the people want and believe. Just because you and a minority of voters disagree doesn't mean it will or should be changed. The people have spoken, and their voice is overwhelmingly clear. Just deal with it.

So, this is the precedent then, right?

Every time something new comes along that changes things or creates a shift in the norm we'll just litigate it out of existence? Geez, what would've ever happened to the television or rock & roll...