I think a change of language and a better conceptual definition of what "marriage" and "civil unions" really are would help both sides come to a solution, but I'll be damned if I can come up with something solid.

This is one that seems to piss one side or the other off, no matter how you cut it.

IMHO, regardless of sexual orientation, equal rights, benefits and penalties should be given gays or straits through some sort of ceremony that publicy declares their dedication to one another when so desired. I think these "unions", should be available to heterosexuals and homosexuals.

"Marriage", the commonly-known and MILLENIA-old popular religious institution between ONE man and ONE woman should be protected as an article of religion that does carry some form of Federal or State recognition (notice that I don't specify any PARTICULAR religion, just religion in general).

As some on here have said in the past, changing language in this case smacks of segregation to a degree and seperate isn't always "equal"...

...but I'm flat-out of ideas on an issue that both sides have a massive amount of legal and religious standing on.

JaTo e-Tough Guy Missouri City, TX 99 Contour SVT #143/2760 00 Corvette Coupe