Originally posted by bishop375:
Originally posted by Fmr12B:
It's not the religious behind all of this.

I'm with Bush on this one, lets explore civil unions, and let the term Marriage be for a man and a woman. If we allow gays to marry then what else are we opening the door to?


Maybe a Bisexual 3-some of 2-guys & 1 woman all want to be married.

We wouldn't want to dicriminate against anyones sexual agenda.

Why not ban the term "Marriage" altogether save for those in a Judeo-Christian religion, and turn any non-religious joining of two people into Civil Unions?

What drives me nuts is how people can equate gay marriage with being a "gateway" marriage, which makes no [censored] sense what so ever. The term marriage seriously needs a redefinition to fit the times. A union between two adult-aged, non related human individuals makes total sense as a definition to me.

You people scream about the sanctity of marriage, but you don't give a rat's ass about the straight folks who've been destroying the institution for decades by marrying FAR too young, too stupid, too often, or for OTHER gains be it financial or otherwise. I mean, look at how many celebrity marriages have failed. Do you think that all celebrity marriage should be banned because they may not create a child? What about two people who marry but are infertile. I guess they're screwed under your terms, right?

And to ask the inevitable question- how would the concept of two same-sex individuals alter how much you care about your marriage to your spouse? If it alters it, your marriage isn't as strong as you thought now, is it?

First, what we have here is a childish rant and attempt to bring a lot of factors into the issue that are irrelevant. The whole point that was made by the citizens of those 11 states was that people do NOT want to re-define marriage. Traditionally, marriage has been between one man and one woman. We are not changing anything, only reaffirming the fact.

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