didnt they open it to the public for one day? or was that just a wacked out rumor??
i went once, for one day, too much to see
ive had quite a few friends have their vehicles in it.
kinda sucks to be seeing all that cool stuff and not be able to buy anything! not that they'd have much for tours anyway...
when i went, as we were leaving, up behind us pulls a guy in a CART racecar (exiting the parking lot). we were like "that guy isnt going to drive that down the street is he?!?" (it was night time). the light turned green and he floored it (not in CART terms) and flew down the street. it was wild! the company parties are wild too. DUB had the big party that year.

Originally posted by Tourgasm:
Sometimes you can mess up a word so bad that spell check doens't know what the hell you're talking about.