Originally posted by e1flakedsvt:
All I can I say is wow. I'm literraly shaking with emotion right now after reading the 39 posts. First, let me start off saying that you can't believe everything you read in the paper.(I was 20 at the time) And for all of you that don't know the legal limit is .08 adding another .03 is one beer. I WAS NOT DRUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was not falling down or slurring words like I'm sure you'd all like to imagine. In fact I passed all my subrioty tests. IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!!!!!! With slippery roads and a tough curve. There has been 5 or 6 cars that have hit that same tree! Don't you dare tell me that I'm [censored] selfish b/c I did'nt say I missed Jamie in my original post, that goes w/o saying. I can't believe how fast the ceg will turn there back as soon as someone shouts drinking and driving. I wasn't posting to get pity from a bunch of people I don't know I posted b/c I wanted friends to know I was still around. Jamie was my brother and losing him will give me undescribable pain for the rest of my life, but I think I can miss my car too.

With the heavy heavy support from Jamie's family (who understand that this was an accident), my family and friends, I'm gonna be ok. I plan on talking in front of schools, colleges, MADD, etc. telling my story b/c whether the CEG would like to open their eyes to the real world or not there are alot of young people drinking and driving.

John D

Your right, papers lie and or distort the truth. Police reports do not.
20 is still under age.
If you were over .08, then according to the law (right or wrong), you were drunk - passing sobriety tests or not.
Mabey the CEG can't belive how fast you came out complaining about your car, and not your friend.
I'm certain it was an accident, you didn't mean to hit a tree, or the results of the incident.
[censored] your car. It's replaceable. Jamie is not. But you already know that.

I'm not speaking for the masses, and I personally am quite familiar with the real world. I'm glad your family and friends support you. You're going to need it. Your final point is scarry; a lot of people are crack addicts, rapists, and underage drunk drivers. None of which are acceptable, in my opinion. It was your choice. You lost a friend; I lost 2. So have countless others. Circumstances are the only differences.

Good luck.

Semper Fi "They've got us surrounded. Poor bastards." -Chesty