Originally posted by Trapps:
Originally posted by MapOfTaziFoSho:
I don't like that everyone decided to rip him a new one. He's been through alot. And I feel that the guilt he is going thru is punishment enough. I think this should be locked and erased.

You're entitled not to like it. People wouldn't feel as angry about this as they do if he had come back saying "I miss my friend, and it's my fault." But he didn't. He misses his car and the CEG. Intentional or not, he mislead us all. That's immature and shows a compolete lack of integrity.

Do you really think guilt is punishment enough? Please go explain that to the family of the deceased. Let me remind you something you inconsiderate, immature fu(ktard. A 22 year old kid with the rest of his life ripped away from him and his family is dead. His family will be scarred for the rest of thier lives because of it.

What if it was your brother, or you son? Would you still think guilt is enough punishment?

You want to drink and drive? At least know your limits. That's why it went to age 21. Too many kids were killing themselves and thier friends. Or innocent bystanders. The driver is 19. He's to young to even know what his own limits are. What he did know is that he went out and drank, against the law. The he drove while intoxicated, again breaking the law. Add speeding, the 3rd offence. The resulting accident kills someone all to young. So finally add this to the first three crimes:



Comm Svc: Death - prison up to 15 years OR $2,500-$10,000 fine, or both.

Injury -prison up to 5 years OR $1,000-$5,000 fine OR both.

Emergency Responder Death-prison up to 20 years or $2,500 to $10,000 fine, or both.

Licensing: minimum 1 year revocation/denial

Plate conf: Required

Immob: Required up to 180 days [90-180 days if prior 653a(3)]

I meant punishment enough in the sense that we don't need to rant on and on about this. I am not condoning sh!t. Reverse the roles and say what you want, but none of us have any idea what he is going through. We can lose our loved ones and have hatred toward him. And if I had lost someone to a drunk driver I would too. And I am pissed that he didn't say I miss my friend, but well I don't even want to imagine what is going on in his head. I also knew from his very first post, the whole story, and I said NOTHING! I wasn't pissed. How many of us could come on here and say "�¿a I killed him"

Born again on 04/09/06 FOR SALE: Moonroof glass and motor MB sunshade PM ME!