Upon finding out the details, I stand by my orignal post from the other thread:

Originally posted by Trapps:
Life brings us many challenges. Often they are a surprise; sometimes you see them coming. It's how you react to those challenges that truley define who you are.

I wish you a speedy and complete recovery, and my most sincere condolances for your friends family and loved ones.

I've said it before, I'll say it again. Be grateful for what you have today, you may not have it tomorrow.


The challenges you face will be harsh. They should be.

I agree with PT on one point: Coming here and crying about missing his car is sickening. The opening of the original thread title and post say it all: " Contour Gone" followed by "my best friend was'nt as lucky and is now dead."

MX, IMHO, there are degrees of mistakes. A mistake is using baking powder instead of baking soda. This was not a mistake. It was a sequence of poor judgements combined with negligence resulting in tragic consequenses. They don't need to be discussed here in detail. What e1flaked faces, he faces for the rest of his life and piling on or threatening is not going to change things. I might feel different though if I were a family member or close friend.

Having buried 2 friends as a result of drinking and driving, one in High school(killed by another), one in college(killed himself), this whole scene stikes a nerve.

I'm done here.

Semper Fi "They've got us surrounded. Poor bastards." -Chesty