Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: Static HELP - 03/10/03 08:00 PM
Ok I shattered my clutch on saturday and I am going to have to have it replaced because it is 100 miles away and I am hurting for time so I cant do it myself and all the places I have called want around $1100 to do it... it is a 96 v6 5speed... anybody know why it is so much... I really need help on what to do here... somebody help me
Posted By: TommySVT_dup1 Re: HELP - 03/10/03 09:00 PM
The reason it is so expensive is cause of the labor. They have to drop the front frame to get access to the tranny.

Shop around if you can. An $80 tow to another shop might be cheaper.
Posted By: BBorges_dup1 Re: HELP - 03/10/03 09:48 PM
I did change mine few months ago. I bought my parts from Jenkins for about $240 and I paid about $350 for the labor. I think. I know they guy went higher on me after starting the job. He said "he didn't know" about the frame issue.

And after removing my old clutch I just discovered that I didn't need a new clutch. I guess I'll have to stick with my car for another 100,000 miles

Here is my old clutch. It would last more 50,000 miles with me driving it...

Posted By: RoadRunner_dup1 Re: HELP - 03/12/03 01:49 AM
I would have replaced the clutch since it looks like you've already lost quite a few rivets from it.
This is the cause of Clutch Shatter.

Slim Shady experienced it at 35,000 miles and it costs him $1,400 to have it replaced.
Ford wouldn't consider it defective either.
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