Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: TBNPLR SVT Clutch on SE?? - 09/07/02 02:48 AM
Hey fellas,

I recall heraing that the lining on the SVT clutch is thicker than the stock SE clutch. I'm needing to replace my clutch shortly and was wondering if it would be worth it to fit a stock SVTclutch instead of the standard one?

Any help or suggestions will be appriciated.


Chris S.
Posted By: Lance Kinley_dup1 Re: SVT Clutch on SE?? - 09/07/02 05:05 AM
I have an SVT clutch in my 95 SE. The first thing you will notice is that the clutch engages much higher. In a side-by-side comparison, I really could not tell the difference between them as far as thickness, etc. I think the springs were a bit beefier, however.

I would say go for it. Get the SVT flywheel or lighten yours while you're at it. It makes a HUGE difference in rev speed.

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