Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: bkent_dup1 PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 01:47 PM
Just got a bigscreen tv (see DVD thread =)) and now it's time for a gaming system. I have a PS1 so still being able to play those games is a bonus. Which would you recommend and why? Number of games, quality of gameplay and graphics...let me know what you think!
Posted By: bishop375_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 01:54 PM
XBOX... with a rapidly growing library, not to mention some amazing quality titles right around the corner, you'll also get the only console capable of using every ounce of video power your new set can put out. It's also the only console that uses in-game dolby digital 5.1 audio. PS2 only uses it for pre-programmed cutscenes. The only catch is that you have to use the $30 "Advanced A/V Pack" to use the digital audio and s-video capabilities of the 'Box. Same with the Hi-Def pack.

If you want to see what your tv can do, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 (due in a couple of weeks), and Prince of Persia: Sands of Time will totally show off what you've got. Halo, while not the greatest graphics spectacular of all time, it's amazingly fun and solid, great enemy AI, and just overall fun to play. There's a reason why it still sells well! Hell, GTA3 and GTA Vice City are being released for it next month in a 2-game pack for about $50.

PS2 is a good system, don't get me wrong, but, the XBOX is definitely the best quality you can get for the money.

Posted By: TGO Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 02:14 PM
these debates are pointless. Buy the system that has the games YOU WANT TO PLAY. Imean, who cares how good the games look on xbox or ps2 if you still don't enjoy them??? Rent a system and a few games, an dmake your decision based on that.
Posted By: proliphik Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 02:20 PM
don't go with gamecube for sure, it's mainly little kiddy games and cartoony graphics, and the controlers suck
Posted By: bkent_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 02:32 PM
Greatone I care immensly. You see for about 10 years I've been heavy into PC gaming. I play counterstrike, bf1942, Quake 3, etc lots. As this has been the only way I game for so long, I need to make sure I get the best graphics, sound, and games possible to keep me entertained.

Thanks for the attempted thread crapping though.
Posted By: bigMoneyRacing_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 02:33 PM
Which system will have Gran Turismo 4? Problem solved.
Posted By: Nate'sTour Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 02:39 PM
PS2 is what I have and it's awesome. Xbox is an awesome competitor too however. But considering the huge size of Sony's library of titles (PS1 & PS2) you'll do good to get that.

Or, you can be a superhero and buy both!
Posted By: ASSVT_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 02:45 PM
Originally posted by bkent:
Greatone I care immensly. You see for about 10 years I've been heavy into PC gaming. I play counterstrike, bf1942, Quake 3, etc lots. As this has been the only way I game for so long, I need to make sure I get the best graphics, sound, and games possible to keep me entertained.

Thanks for the attempted thread crapping though.

PS2. The graphics on xbox are NOT that much better. As far as sound goes with a decent reciever it will split the sound coming from the optical hook-up into virtual surround sound. Which works pretty damn good. I play SOCOM on-line and I can tell where someones coming or shooting from in any direction. Also as far as game libraries go xbox will never come close to the amount of games ps2 has.

Disclaimer: I have both systems. The xbox is collecting dust and will continue to do so untill Halo 2 comes out.

Also, online gaming on ps2 is free where as xbox live you have to pay.
Posted By: bkent_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 02:49 PM
From what I've heard the Xbox has much more capability then the PS2 for graphics, and that the game developers haven't taken advantage of it yet...any comments?
Posted By: cvkillacontour98 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 03:08 PM
xbox graphics are way better.i have ps2 and xbox and my sister has a game cube. ps2 isnt all that great compared to xbox. even dreamast was bettere than ps2 when it comes to graphics. the xbox graphics looks solid ps2 just looks horrible. only reason i even baught the ps2 was for gran turismo and grand theft aut vice city.
Posted By: mbRentalEnvoy Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 03:08 PM
Originally posted by ASSVT:
PS2. The graphics on xbox are NOT that much better.

Are you serious?? When playing a game like Madden, you're right, there's not much difference... but if you get a good game written for XBox... watch out. Name one PS2 game that has the graphical detail of Halo. Plus, the XBox runs a great deal faster than the PS2, loading games in far less time. (and yes, I do have both). I have the Advanced a/v pack on my xbox to hook it up to our 65" widescreen HDTV... it has component video in and true dolby 5.1... its unreal playing Halo on that thing. Xbox also has the ability to make true 16:9 widescreen or letterbox format, instead of just the standard 4:3.

All that being said... I resent not having GTA3 or Gran Turismo on the xbox, and it has a tendency to freeze on me during some games. (I however have the first xbox ever delivered to our local Wal-Mart so it could just be an early production problem that's solved now). Plus- it sucks having to spend an extra $30 just to watch DVDs on it, something you can do for free on the PS2.

There's my rundown... now pick which titles you like best and pick which features you like best and go from there!
Posted By: mbRentalEnvoy Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 03:11 PM
Originally posted by bkent:
From what I've heard the Xbox has much more capability then the PS2 for graphics, and that the game developers haven't taken advantage of it yet...any comments?

as i said above, developers that write for the xbox do, but the most popular games are the sports games like Madden, NBA Live, etc., and first-persons like Max Payne, James Bond, etc. All these games are written across formats, and so they usually just adapt it enough to run on the xbox software and don't really take the time adding console-specific features.
Posted By: Freakshow Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 03:13 PM
Atari 2600...what more could you need?

If I was going to get a console right now I would go with the Xbox. I've played all of them and the graphics are better on the xbox. I think you are right about the game companies not yet harnessing all of the xbox's power. You have to figure the xbox is basically a baby in the console world when compared to Sony and Nintendo yet it still beats them can only get better IMO. The biggest thing I like about the Xbox is speed. No waiting for what seems like ages for the next screen to load. Xbox SCREAMS on loading games, great for an impatient person like me. They are finally starting to put out more and better games for it now as well. Of course this is all based on my opinions and experience from playing them but I wouldn't get anything other than an Xbox...cept maybe that Atari!
Posted By: sho 'nuff_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 03:24 PM
I'll just add two more things about the x-box. You can save your own music to the harddrive and then use it for the game soundtrack on some games....including the Grand Theft Auto pack that is coming out. Also since it has a hard drive you never have to worry about buying a memory card unless you need to save a game to take to someone else's house or take up all the hard drive with music.
Posted By: Fulcrum Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 05:11 PM
Our household has both PS2 and XBOX. Last christmas my wife and I choose to give our 12yr old a PS2. We choose this one because of a much bigger varity of games. It will play all PS and PS2 games, a really big selection. Then to our surprise our oldest girl gave the whole family the XBOX. I am totally addicted to the Sega GT 2002 game, and Medal of Honor. A friend of mine has Grand Torismo and it is also a wonderfully fun game for PS2. But the XBOX Live beats all of them. The online ability is FANTASTIC. Some games are marketed for both systems though. Buy a copy of GAME FORMER magazine or better yet subscribe, it's inexpesive.
Posted By: sho 'nuff_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 05:54 PM
Each system really has a game or two that shine. I mean for the gamecube NOTHING beats Metroid Prime. Its just a fun, addicting, game. The Zelda for the GC comes in a close second though. Add in that it costs $99 and for another 50 bucks you can get the gameboy advanced player and you can play some great old school style games. Even with the player it still comes out 20 bucks cheaper than either system. And it also will look slightly better than ps2 for games that come out on all 3 systems. It doesn't have quite the amount of games the other two systems have but adding the gameboy library at least gives you some options.
Posted By: Honkeytonk Monkey Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 06:04 PM
I'd buy the Gamecube based solely on my love of all the Miyamoto games. Games like Resident evil, Rebel Strike, etc are just icing on the cake.

You have to buy the system based on your preferences. I personally was not impressed with the XBOX. The ammount of exclusive, good titles is not very much. You have Halo and it's upcoming sequel. I could care less about graphics really. I still play the original Metroid from time to time and the [censored] graphics don't bother me at all.

PS2 would top my list but I will not buy a PS2 for Gran Turismo 4. I bought a real car for $50 instead

Posted By: joethesajin_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 06:05 PM
GRAPHICS ARE NOT WHAT MATTERS PEOPLE. gameplay matters, story matters, control matters, graphics and sound are just a perk. the duece has better games than the xbox (xbox only has one but soon to be two xbox only games that are really good: halo and halo 2), better controlers, FREE ONLINE PLAY for most games. has anyone played the NFS hot pursuit 2? if xbox is so much more powerfull than why does it suffer from slowdown the duece version does not. But the best system ever made has to be the original nintendo, even though the graphics sucked it had all the best games.
Posted By: bishop375_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 06:41 PM
Originally posted by joethesajin:
GRAPHICS ARE NOT WHAT MATTERS PEOPLE. gameplay matters, story matters, control matters, graphics and sound are just a perk. the duece has better games than the xbox (xbox only has one but soon to be two xbox only games that are really good: halo and halo 2), better controlers, FREE ONLINE PLAY for most games. has anyone played the NFS hot pursuit 2? if xbox is so much more powerfull than why does it suffer from slowdown the duece version does not.

Gameplay and story do matter. Name me one PS2 game that your gameplay completely determines the physical traits and abilities of your character. I can name two for XBOX- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Fable, due next year.

Free online play is great, if you want to deal with cheaters, faulty network code, and inconcistencies all over the place.

Had to pay $30 for the DVD remote? Big whoop, at least most DVD's will work on it. I can't count the number of times DVD's have NOT worked on friends' PS2's. If you decide to buy an XBOX, technically you just bought a DVD player for $30 on top of it... sounds like a good deal to me.

The ONLY reason any XBOX games suffer from slowdown is because they're ported from the PS2. There are certain f/x that the PS2 uses in its own code. The rain in MGS 2, for example. The BOX slows down because of the corners they had to cut to get the game shipped on time. Has everything to do with programming code, nothing to do with hardware. The XBOX is technically far superior to the PS2- it has twice the RAM, twice the processing power, has an actual VIDEO CARD (even the Dreamcast had an 8mb vid card, which is why it's still capable of better graphics than PS2), and has a hard drive built into it. Yes, a decent surround receiver can split the audio, but, it's NOT the same. Trust me. You can put the left and right channels wherever you want, but, nothing beats hearing enemy chatter in front of, next to, and behind you in all their own channels. I had people looking around the apartment for people they thought had walked in, while I played MGS2.

I'm assuming you haven't played many XBOX games, if any, Joe. Let me see- Halo, Project Gotham 1 and 2, Midtown Madness 3, Star Wars: KOTOR, GTA III and Vice City, Ghost Recon (and Island Thunder), Splinter Cell, Rainbow Six 3, Otogi: Myth of Demons... the list goes on and on.

The best argument is this- any cross-platform game that comes out will be best on XBOX. Assuming the same gameplay and story, the graphics capability makes the game that much more immersive, and that much more... believeable.
Posted By: joethesajin_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 06:58 PM
Originally posted by bishop375:

Had to pay $30 for the DVD remote? Big whoop, at least most DVD's will work on it. I can't count the number of times DVD's have NOT worked on friends' PS2's. If you decide to buy an XBOX, technically you just bought a DVD player for $30 on top of it... sounds like a good deal to me.

thats why my launch day PS2 has NEVER had a problem playing ANY dvd i want it to. and i have played alot of those games on your list. I will give xbox halo, thats a really fun gamme. I love GTA3 and Vice city on my ps2, i love rainbow six 3 and ghost recon on the PC, i was never a fan of the project gotham series( or metroplis street racer). It comes down to personal choice to some degree, i the only way i will ever buy a xbox is if the price is dropped considerably. im fine playing my "inferior" PS2 playing all the games i love, not just buying something that is just flashier and "better".
Posted By: Andy W._dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 07:00 PM
PC's kick the ass of all consoles and alow you to do so much more!

Posted By: Peach Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 07:28 PM
But controlling a game on PC is so much more aggravating unless you have the joystick/add-on controls to go with it. Find/Using keys on a keyboard sucks ass when playing games.
Posted By: bishop375_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 07:35 PM
Originally posted by Peach:
But controlling a game on PC is so much more aggravating unless you have the joystick/add-on controls to go with it. Find/Using keys on a keyboard sucks ass when playing games.

Not when you type over 100 wpm. ;-)
Posted By: Peach Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 07:41 PM
Originally posted by bishop375:
Originally posted by Peach:
But controlling a game on PC is so much more aggravating unless you have the joystick/add-on controls to go with it. Find/Using keys on a keyboard sucks ass when playing games.

Not when you type over 100 wpm. ;-)

It's not even that. I can type fast, its just having to press a key and remember which ones do what, etc. I'd much rather just have a damn controller that has 4-6 buttons all in the reach of my thumb and a joystick.

Teh controllers are deh best. (IMO)

Posted By: Contouraholic_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 08:14 PM
I have a PC controller that is nearly identical to my son's PS2 stock controller. I personaly don't care for it, but if you like console controllers, there are PC controllers that are similar. The PC controller didn't vibrate, but there was a logitech model that did.
Posted By: spacemonkey Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 08:14 PM
Originally posted by Andy W.:
PC's kick the ass of all consoles and alow you to do so much more!


Yeah they do. Plus all the good title for most consoles end up on computer. You get the best of all world. Also, the graphics are alot more advanced on a pc. And you can upgrade a pc.

Originally posted by Peach:
But controlling a game on PC is so much more aggravating unless you have the joystick/add-on controls to go with it. Find/Using keys on a keyboard sucks ass when playing games.

For some games yes. However, if you use a keyboard enough you know where all the keys are by feel. Also, playing first person shooters on a console is so much harder than playing with a mouse and keyboard. Why do you think they have auto aim?

The only thing about pc gaming is that the equipment is more expensive. But its worth it.
show me graphics like that on a console
Posted By: Jason43 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 08:23 PM
Originally posted by ASSVT:
Originally posted by bkent:
Greatone I care immensly. You see for about 10 years I've been heavy into PC gaming. I play counterstrike, bf1942, Quake 3, etc lots. As this has been the only way I game for so long, I need to make sure I get the best graphics, sound, and games possible to keep me entertained.

Thanks for the attempted thread crapping though.

PS2. The graphics on xbox are NOT that much better. As far as sound goes with a decent reciever it will split the sound coming from the optical hook-up into virtual surround sound. Which works pretty damn good. I play SOCOM on-line and I can tell where someones coming or shooting from in any direction. Also as far as game libraries go xbox will never come close to the amount of games ps2 has.

Have you ever compared the two on a HD tv. I have. There is no comparison, the Xbox is far superior.ALL games are in progressive scan and many are in true 1080i! Plus the built in hardrive is great. The ONLY plus that the PS2 has over the Xbox is the library. But as stated it is gaining.
Posted By: SleeperZ Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 08:29 PM
Originally posted by bkent:
From what I've heard the Xbox has much more capability then the PS2 for graphics, and that the game developers haven't taken advantage of it yet...any comments?

Get a PS2, so you can still play your PSOne games.
And then get a PS3 when it comes out around August of 04.
It will do everything that XBox does, except better.
Posted By: bishop375_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 08:45 PM
Right, that's Sony's next gen, no doubt it'll compete with XBOX, now that Sony realized their stupid mistake of NOT going with a dedicated vid card in their console. But, just wait for whatever MS decides to stick in XBOX 2. I'd assume somewhere around the 2ghz cpu area, most likely 128, possibly 256mb of RAM, and an ATI vid card, which will again be better than any available for PC for at least a solid year, just like they did with the first XBOX.

The ONLY upside to consoles over PC's is the commonality in function. Since the console has only one form of hardware (architecture aside), each company's console is the exact same, which SHOULD mean fewer software bugs (ahem... I'm ignoring Enter the Matrix here, there's no excuse for that bug fest) and means a lot more power can be dedicated to the game itself, instead of having a larger underlying OS running behind it.

Actually... Unreal 2003 is sweet, but, EA's Return of the King, Halo 2, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time... all match what I've seen from Unreal so far.. and Rainbow Six 3 looks better on the XBOX than it does on PC... that's even at high res!!
Posted By: J-Lab_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 08:52 PM
Originally posted by bkent:
Greatone I care immensly. You see for about 10 years I've been heavy into PC gaming. I play counterstrike, bf1942, Quake 3, etc lots. As this has been the only way I game for so long, I need to make sure I get the best graphics, sound, and games possible to keep me entertained.

If you want the best, I can only recommend the XBOX. I have had one for a year now, and I absolutely love it. I have it connected to Xbox LIVE and its incredible. As far as quality games go, Xbox has a bunch of them. I own over 20 games to date (not to mention my wish list for Christmas).

Seeing you are a PC gamer, I believe you will like the Xbox too. My brother was strictly PC games until I bought the Xbox. He now spends equal time on each.

I have tried the other consoles, and I have to say, I wasn't impressed. I have friends with PS2 and they always give props to my system when they come over. As for Gamecube, my brother in law has one, and me no likey...

If you want to be sure though, I do recommend renting each system and trying it out first. PM me and I'll recommend some games that may suit your tastes.

(P.S. I'll probably get flamed for this, but I didn't really like Halo all that much. Probably one of the most overrated games ever.)
Posted By: spacemonkey Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 09:01 PM
Originally posted by bishop375:

Actually... Unreal 2003 is sweet, but, EA's Return of the King, Halo 2, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time... all match what I've seen from Unreal so far.. and Rainbow Six 3 looks better on the XBOX than it does on PC... that's even at high res!!

Hmmmmm What kind of video card do you have? I just saw RS3 and UT2003 on my friends computer. He has a ATI Radeon 9800 Pro. A xbox basically has a GeForce 3 witch is miles behind a 9800. If you see newer PC Games on a Direct X 9 card with anti-aliasing on, it is 3x's sharper than any console. A X-box just doesn't have the technology or the power of a PC. Also, UT 2003 is almost a year old, so comparing it to xbox games that just came out or haven't come out yet isn't exactly a apples to apples comparison.
Posted By: bishop375_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 09:30 PM
The vid card in the box may "basically be" a GeForce 3, but, given its generation, it was far superior, and is actually closer to the GeForce FX (some of the ideas for the FX came from it, IIRC)in its capabilities. It was sickeningly powerful for its generation.

I'm also running a ti4600/128, but, I've seen it run on different cards, and it's nice, don't get me wrong, but, it still didn't leave me that floored.

Although, my next vid card WILL be a Radeon Pro. :-)

[flame] You think Halo is overrated, what the hell is wrong with you!!??!!? %%#@&*#^^# #&@^^#$![/flame]

LOL Just kidding. I LOVE Halo, esp. multiplayer. It didn't grab EVERYone, and I know a handful of people who just aren't that big of a fan of it.
Posted By: Freakshow Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 09:34 PM
I thought Halo rocked but I've been a big fan of Bungie (the team that MS bought up to develop the game for MS) for many years. I played all of their Myth series games for the PC and they have always made quality games, even though they sold out to the evil MS Empire.
Posted By: Renee_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 09:50 PM
I did this same poll back around Christmas time last year. We had a PS1, and hub just got back from a 3 month stint in Saudi Arabia, and had some extra cash coming from it.
Nearly everyone agreed the PS2 is the best bet. I said NEARLY everyone. That's because you are going to get differing opinions based on what everyone else likes, which is normal, but you are in the same boat as we were. You have PS1 games you still like to play. It is that reason, plus the fact that Playstation has more kiddie games for our sons than the others. We bought our Playstation almost a year ago and we love it. No regrets.
Posted By: louisw_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 09:50 PM
Originally posted by bishop375:
Gameplay and story do matter. Name me one PS2 game that your gameplay completely determines the physical traits and abilities of your character. I can name two for XBOX- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Fable, due next year.

FFX, plus the upcoming FFX-2 and FFXI, plus all the previous FF games.
Posted By: TGO Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/24/03 11:49 PM
What? Thread crapping? Um...ok.

I stand by my statement...get the system with the games you wanna play. Maybe it's just me...but if it ain't fun, I see no point in playing it. And yeah, i've been an avid gamer ever since I can remember. I've owned every system that was out at one point in time. I am well aware of the hardware capabilities of the xbox, ps2, and gamecube...and if you want to get technical about it, "on paper" Xbox is the most "powerful" machine, and gamecube is the "weakest." Has anyone seen resident evil on gamecube? or fzero? or any star wars game??? I've made my point. At this point in time, hardware specs are just for pissing contests. It's all about how lazy the developers are. I wouldn't worry about system longevity, as long as a machine is keeping games flying off the shelves it'll be supported. Look at the original playstation! If you wanna go in terms of that, I'd go with a PS2. You can't touch it's fanbase. And if it doesn' tlast that long, who cares, companies are dumping consoles and making money on games.

Originally posted by bkent:
Greatone I care immensly. You see for about 10 years I've been heavy into PC gaming. I play counterstrike, bf1942, Quake 3, etc lots. As this has been the only way I game for so long, I need to make sure I get the best graphics, sound, and games possible to keep me entertained.

Thanks for the attempted thread crapping though.

Posted By: Eli_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/25/03 02:07 AM
ps2 has better and more games than the xbox, and will continue to do so. if you were a developer, you would write games for the system that is the most popular, so you have more potential customers, no? who would you write games for?

xbox 9.4 million systems
ps2 40 million systems
gamecube i dont have exact numbers on but i think around 15 mil?
Posted By: bishop375_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/25/03 02:45 AM
Actually... if you ask companies which platform they prefer to program for, they will all say XBOX first, PS2 second, and GameCube a distant third. PS2 supplies excellent SDK's, but, the XBOX programming platform is said to be MUCH simpler and much easier. Plus they also have a much larger playground to play in, it offers them a lot more flexibility in what they want to put into a game.
Posted By: bishop375_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/25/03 02:49 AM
Originally posted by louisw:
Originally posted by bishop375:
Gameplay and story do matter. Name me one PS2 game that your gameplay completely determines the physical traits and abilities of your character. I can name two for XBOX- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Fable, due next year.

FFX, plus the upcoming FFX-2 and FFXI, plus all the previous FF games.

You're close, but, not quite there. The character models themselves are not altered. Your characters weapons and clothing change as you choose to change them, yes, but, they don't age, their eyes don't change color, and their base skills don't change all that drastically. The two games I mentioned above change all of these traits.

Example, in Fable, if you opt to use magic as opposed to be a fighter, your eyes will turn white over time, your hair will fall out, your body will become smaller and more frail. Turn evil, your skin will become pale, turn good, you will be more well built. Over time, wrinkles appear, and you become scarred from battles- some of which never disappear. Can't say the same about any of the Final Fantasy games- ANY of them, and I've played every one up until 8... I didn't feel like watching the movie with occasional gameplay that was FF9, and feel that square has tried to get too far away from what made them great in the first place- their great story combine with relatively simple gameply, without reliance upon eye candy, the way they do now.
Posted By: Nate S Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/25/03 04:36 AM
i have a gamecube with a car adapter and a 5.6 inch flatscreen attached to it . funn on trips
Posted By: J-Lab_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/25/03 11:57 AM
Originally posted by Eli:

xbox 9.4 million systems
ps2 40 million systems
gamecube i dont have exact numbers on but i think around 15 mil?

Not that this really matters, but according to, the North American market share for the consoles as of last may is as follows: (direct quotes)

"Xbox remains a distant second behind PS2. Through May, according to data from NPDFunworld, the PS2 had a U.S. installed base of 17.7 million units.

The console market has largely become a two-horse race for share, with Nintendo Co. Ltd.'s GameCube underperforming all expectations and lagging behind the Xbox and PS2 in most markets.

Since the November 2001 launch of Xbox, Microsoft said it has sold 9.4 million units worldwide, and by June 2004 it said it expects that number to rise to between 14.5 million and 16 million units. The total units sold during fiscal 2003 was 5.5 million.

The majority of the installed base to date, 6.2 million units, is in North America."
Posted By: OSU Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/25/03 01:30 PM
[censored] the numbers. xbox is a better system. xbox comes with a hard drive and the ability to hook up 4 controllers. none of this multitap [censored]. you can listen to your OWN music when you're playing some games due to the fact that you can rip mp3's to your hd. you can also use it as a jukebox if you so wished. i know that ps2 does have some better games, but gta is now coming xbox's way, and it already has one of the best shooters of all time (halo), with halo 2 on the way. i also don't know about ps2 on this one, but with xbox, you can hook two or more systems together. for xbox, you only need one cable for two systems, and multi systems can be done with a router and some cat5 cable. you can get pretty much every sports game for xbox also. i don't understand why ps2 sells so many more units. must be gt3, or rpg's, or something.
Posted By: OSU Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/25/03 01:35 PM
Originally posted by JLab:
(P.S. I'll probably get flamed for this, but I didn't really like Halo all that much. Probably one of the most overrated games ever.)

ya damn right you're gonna get flamed. halo is one of the best 1st person shooters ever. the fact that you don't like it is beyond my comprehension.
Posted By: ASSVT_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/25/03 01:50 PM
Originally posted by Jason43:
Originally posted by ASSVT:
Originally posted by bkent:
Greatone I care immensly. You see for about 10 years I've been heavy into PC gaming. I play counterstrike, bf1942, Quake 3, etc lots. As this has been the only way I game for so long, I need to make sure I get the best graphics, sound, and games possible to keep me entertained.

Thanks for the attempted thread crapping though.

PS2. The graphics on xbox are NOT that much better. As far as sound goes with a decent reciever it will split the sound coming from the optical hook-up into virtual surround sound. Which works pretty damn good. I play SOCOM on-line and I can tell where someones coming or shooting from in any direction. Also as far as game libraries go xbox will never come close to the amount of games ps2 has.

Have you ever compared the two on a HD tv. I have. There is no comparison, the Xbox is far superior.ALL games are in progressive scan and many are in true 1080i! Plus the built in hardrive is great. The ONLY plus that the PS2 has over the Xbox is the library. But as stated it is gaining.

Yes, I have. But, most people still don't have hdtv's. Also, the xbox library is not gaining much at all. Right now there are very few games on xbox that are really good. (Halo,Project Gotham series,and soon Halo 2)
I will agree that the ability to store music on the hard drive is nice.
As far as cheaters in the online enviroment the new ps2 games are now using a different system in which cheating is greatly reduced. (there are cheaters on xbox live too.)
I'm just giving my personel opinion and that is that if buying 1 console I would buy the ps2. But since I have both it is not really an issue for me.
Now everyone just calm down. After all its only a game.....system.
Posted By: ASSVT_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/25/03 02:00 PM
Originally posted by beatmoonlight98:
[censored] the numbers. xbox is a better system. xbox comes with a hard drive and the ability to hook up 4 controllers. none of this multitap [censored]. you can listen to your OWN music when you're playing some games due to the fact that you can rip mp3's to your hd. you can also use it as a jukebox if you so wished. i know that ps2 does have some better games, but gta is now coming xbox's way, and it already has one of the best shooters of all time (halo), with halo 2 on the way. i also don't know about ps2 on this one, but with xbox, you can hook two or more systems together. for xbox, you only need one cable for two systems, and multi systems can be done with a router and some cat5 cable. you can get pretty much every sports game for xbox also. i don't understand why ps2 sells so many more units. must be gt3, or rpg's, or something.

Someone needs to switch to decaf. Oh and you might want to remove your lips from microsofts azz.j/k lol.
Posted By: joethesajin_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/25/03 03:12 PM
Originally posted by beatmoonlight98:
. you can listen to your OWN music when you're playing some games due to the fact that you can rip mp3's to your hd. you can also use it as a jukebox if you so wished.

i also don't know about ps2 on this one, but with xbox, you can hook two or more systems together. for xbox, you only need one cable for two systems, and multi systems can be done with a router and some cat5 cable.

i don't understand why ps2 sells so many more units. must be gt3, or rpg's, or something.

first, ok you can put music on your hd wow. I can use my computer which has more space on it to listen to music while i play.

second, its called ever heard of it?

third, Oh you mean GOOD games
Posted By: Eli_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/25/03 06:36 PM
Originally posted by J-Lab:
Originally posted by Eli:

xbox 9.4 million systems
ps2 40 million systems
gamecube i dont have exact numbers on but i think around 15 mil?

Not that this really matters, but according to, the North American market share for the consoles as of last may is as follows: (direct quotes)

"Xbox remains a distant second behind PS2. Through May, according to data from NPDFunworld, the PS2 had a U.S. installed base of 17.7 million units.

The console market has largely become a two-horse race for share, with Nintendo Co. Ltd.'s GameCube underperforming all expectations and lagging behind the Xbox and PS2 in most markets.

Since the November 2001 launch of Xbox, Microsoft said it has sold 9.4 million units worldwide, and by June 2004 it said it expects that number to rise to between 14.5 million and 16 million units. The total units sold during fiscal 2003 was 5.5 million.

The majority of the installed base to date, 6.2 million units, is in North America."

my numbers (40 million) was world wide, which i think makes more sense to use since most games are released world wide.

halo is decent, but gets boring after about an hour or so. maybe its one of the best fps on a console, but halflife kicks the [censored] out of it hands down.
Posted By: joe_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/25/03 07:30 PM
Get the system that plays Metroid Prime...
Posted By: J-Lab_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/26/03 01:11 PM
Just a note... Half Life 2 is due out on X-box sometime next year. I doubt that PS2 could run that...
Posted By: Honkeytonk Monkey Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/26/03 01:47 PM
Originally posted by joe:
Get the system that plays Metroid Prime...

Dude you have to play Rebel Strike. The Speeder bike level is simply the awesomest thing I've ever seen. And the two player race through the forest is friggen intense!

Then there's the race down the death star trench. With the A-Wing when you hit the thrusters you are going so fast it's dizzying... I gotta get a gamecube...
Posted By: OSU Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/26/03 01:48 PM
Originally posted by joethesajin:
Originally posted by beatmoonlight98:
. you can listen to your OWN music when you're playing some games due to the fact that you can rip mp3's to your hd. you can also use it as a jukebox if you so wished.

i also don't know about ps2 on this one, but with xbox, you can hook two or more systems together. for xbox, you only need one cable for two systems, and multi systems can be done with a router and some cat5 cable.

i don't understand why ps2 sells so many more units. must be gt3, or rpg's, or something.

first, ok you can put music on your hd wow. I can use my computer which has more space on it to listen to music while i play.

second, its called ever heard of it?

third, Oh you mean GOOD games

first, we were talking about consoles, hence the title of the post: "PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe?"

second, no.

third, i have no idea what statement of mine that comment was directed towards.

Originally posted by ASSVT:

Someone needs to switch to decaf. Oh and you might want to remove your lips from microsofts azz.j/k lol.

i don't drink coffee. doesn't taste good i'll stick with a cappucino with a shot of vanilla. mmmmmm
Posted By: Jason43 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/26/03 03:54 PM
Originally posted by ASSVT:
Originally posted by Jason43:
Originally posted by ASSVT:
Originally posted by bkent:
Greatone I care immensly. You see for about 10 years I've been heavy into PC gaming. I play counterstrike, bf1942, Quake 3, etc lots. As this has been the only way I game for so long, I need to make sure I get the best graphics, sound, and games possible to keep me entertained.

Thanks for the attempted thread crapping though.

PS2. The graphics on xbox are NOT that much better. As far as sound goes with a decent reciever it will split the sound coming from the optical hook-up into virtual surround sound. Which works pretty damn good. I play SOCOM on-line and I can tell where someones coming or shooting from in any direction. Also as far as game libraries go xbox will never come close to the amount of games ps2 has.

Have you ever compared the two on a HD tv. I have. There is no comparison, the Xbox is far superior.ALL games are in progressive scan and many are in true 1080i! Plus the built in hardrive is great. The ONLY plus that the PS2 has over the Xbox is the library. But as stated it is gaining.

Yes, I have. But, most people still don't have hdtv's.

Yes, but the guy who asked the question does.
Posted By: joethesajin_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/26/03 04:49 PM
I know its about consoles but i dont think the whole putting music on the hd is such a big freakin deal. is the PS2 link cable, used on games like GT3 and timesplitters 2. The last comment i made was at the reason for the PS2 selling so well, they have GOOD games like GT3, and lots of RPGs
Posted By: Dr Dionysus Esq. Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/26/03 05:58 PM
Definately XBOX for thi one reason:
Posted By: Probzilla Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/28/03 07:25 AM
Originally posted by joethesajin:

im fine playing my "inferior" PS2 playing all the games i love, not just buying something that is just flashier and "better".

Good thing no one is trying to convince you to throw out your PS2 for an X-box they are just trying to Sell someone who doesn't have a next gen console on the x-box and it's superior technology.
Posted By: Pete D_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/31/03 06:09 AM
I have an XBOX currently and will probably be buying a GameCube soon now that the price has dropped. I see no need for a PS2, pretty much every game that is out for it that I could want I can either get for my XBOX or my PC, both which run it better. I hate the POS2 controllers too, too damn small
Posted By: joe_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/31/03 01:28 PM
Originally posted by J-Lab:
Just a note... Half Life 2 is due out on X-box sometime next year. I doubt that PS2 could run that...

That's what was said about Quake on the PS1
Posted By: joe_dup1 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/31/03 01:35 PM
Originally posted by Pete D:
I have an XBOX currently and will probably be buying a GameCube soon now that the price has dropped. I see no need for a PS2, pretty much every game that is out for it that I could want I can either get for my XBOX or my PC, both which run it better. I hate the POS2 controllers too, too damn small

LOL! A common complaint of the Xbox is that the controller are too damn large!!! I like the Xbox, but now that they have Halo for PC, I'll never get it? No reason now...
Posted By: Jason43 Re: PS2, Xbx, or Gmecbe? - 10/31/03 10:09 PM
Originally posted by joe:
Originally posted by Pete D:
I have an XBOX currently and will probably be buying a GameCube soon now that the price has dropped. I see no need for a PS2, pretty much every game that is out for it that I could want I can either get for my XBOX or my PC, both which run it better. I hate the POS2 controllers too, too damn small

LOL! A common complaint of the Xbox is that the controller are too damn large!!! I like the Xbox, but now that they have Halo for PC, I'll never get it? No reason now...

I take it you've never used the S controller?
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