Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Everyone that I know that is of consenting age loves sex. Everyone on this website loves Contiques. What then is so wrong about a topic in the off topic forum about sex in contiques?
are you purposly trying to get people to jump your a$$?
no just trying to kill some time in the off topic forum? If we aren't going to let people talk about things off topic then they should just pull it. I thought that I could start a fun conversation and make people think back to the days of $1 dollar lunches, chocolate milk, school made pizza on fridays and sex in the backseat
From what I have found, Lance usually doesn't approve of topics that are sex related. Especially if there are details.

Its a family site. smile If you want to be able to talk about *whatever* has an, um, intresting off-topic section. eek
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: stupid people these days, I swear... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
2 things come to mind 1. it takes 1 to know 1 2. pot calling the kettle black
Originally posted by Cappuccino911:
2 things come to mind 1. it takes 1 to know 1 2. pot calling the kettle black
Be neither a pot nor a kettle.
head over to
They have a pretty crazy "anything goes" sub forum.. And, I think they have a topic like the one you are trying to start....
The sex in Contiques thing is pretty 'inappropriate'. We talk about cars here and there is the OT forum. But that crosses the line. The admin didn't like don't question their authority.
unerstood GSR, but it seems to me that we talk about cars in the on topic forums and everything else in the off topic forum. Like I said, 2 things I love are sex and my car so I thought it would be fun to talk about both at one time. Wasn't trying to offend anyone or anything. I dindn't know we couldn't talk about sex here. I am very liberal and think it's funny that sex is why we are all walking the earth, yet we don't want to talk about it?
I deleted it because it was totally inappropriate. This site is frequented by minors and we don't want to project that kind of image. Now you may disagree, but that is a decision that has been made by the Admin and if you don't like it, go post about it some place else....there are plenty of other sites for that out on the net.

I can guarantee that any future posts on the subject or a related subject will get deleted.

Christy, thank you!
When a problem comes along, you must whip it!
Whip it good! Go for it! Move ahead!
Thanks, now I have a new song going in my brain!! I needed a change..... wink
Since when did this become a family board? Last time I checked, this was a CONTOUR board.. And up until recently, most of the people here were adults.

I understand why some people left this board, it's nothing like it was in the old days.. frown
Everyone that I know that is of consenting age loves sex. Everyone on this website loves Contiques. What then is so wrong about a topic in the off topic forum about sex in contiques?
I still don't see how you would fail to realize this would be a risque topic. Especially when we have kids as young as 16 frequenting this site. (Yes, I know there's a 15 year old but I don't include that particular one).
I appreciate the censorship of this site into something that is family-friendly. Assuring that we maintain appropriate and decent material really sets this site above the rest.
Originally posted by TheGSRGuy:
The sex in Contiques thing is pretty 'inappropriate'. We talk about cars here and there is the OT forum. But that crosses the line. The admin didn't like don't question their authority.
you have to have sex first before you can talk about that anyway dan :p
I still don't see how you would fail to realize this would be a risque topic. Especially when we have kids as young as 16 frequenting this site.
What do you think 16 year olds watch barney and play with barbie dolls still?? Get with it.....
I for one don't want to hear about you procreating.
Originally posted by Rynn:
[QB (Yes, I know there's a 15 year old but I don't include that particular one).[/QB]
HAHAHAHA THANK YOU.... I am glad to see that you feel the same way..

I still don't see how you would fail to realize this would be a risque topic. Especially when we have kids as young as 16 frequenting this site.

What do you think 16 year olds watch barney and play with barbie dolls still?? Get with it.....
I won't deny that kids under 18 are having sex. I will, however, remind you that parents of minors don't take kindly to their underage children going to websites and reading about people's sexual situations and lewd comments. If a parent was to complain about the content on this site and mention directly a forum post like that, and the fact that there's not a "18 or under" warning, I don't think Lance would be too happy. Not to mention that there's no reason we should need a "18 or under" warning, since things like this shouldn't be posted in the first place. This is a car enthusiast's site, not If you want to read about people's first times, especially in their car, they have a section just for you.
Originally posted by Officer Cartman:
Since when did this become a family board? Last time I checked, this was a CONTOUR board.. And up until recently, most of the people here were adults.

I understand why some people left this board, it's nothing like it was in the old days.. frown
Yeah, it is a CONTOUR board, there are plenty of other sites/forums for sex related topics, please take those type of posts to one of them, and keep them off of this CONTOUR site.
Originally posted by Officer Cartman:
I understand why some people left this board, it's nothing like it was in the old days.. frown
I'm sure you can find the door if you're so inclined. smile
Originally posted by D Davis:
Originally posted by Officer Cartman:
[b]I understand why some people left this board, it's nothing like it was in the old days.. frown
I'm sure you can find the door if you're so inclined. smile [/b]
why? he has a right to be here AND voice his opinion just as anyone else. just because you dont like his VALID point doesnt mean you have to get pissy. rules are rules, some of us try to follow them, but it doesnt mean we have to like them.
It also doesn't help those of us that want to keep the site up and running when everyone complains about how CEG is being ran every 10th post.

How was that pissy? Do tell if you can point it out to me. It was as valid as any other moronic post here. It was a suggestion. If you don't like the state of affairs here, and obviously you can't change it since it isn't your site, then you can leave.

It's that simple.
Originally posted by Officer Cartman:
Since when did this become a family board? Last time I checked, this was a CONTOUR board.. And up until recently, most of the people here were adults.

I understand why some people left this board, it's nothing like it was in the old days.. frown
I agree. I have been a long member before the enhancements were made to this site. All of a sudden, it's now a matter of life or death within this forum. :rolleyes:

There is no longer any humor on this site. frown
Originally posted by D Davis:
If you don't like the state of affairs here, and obviously you can't change it since it isn't your site, then you can leave.
It's that simple.
obviously, he knows that. its not like any of us have a 4 year contract with the CEG, man. why would anyone leave just because you cannot post sex/female related topics? i dont think that the speed limit on the beltway should be 55 either, that doesnt mean i am gonna move to mexico :rolleyes:

icey mike, couldnt agree with you more.
Alright 95MID, I'm not going to get into an argument about it. I think you're looking for a war and I won't give it to you.
LOL, its all good man. consider it dropped laugh
nice headlights eek
Yeah, aren't they pretty? :rolleyes:

I wish I could make myself drop the $250+ on a new set.
Though I've only been a registered member since right before Lance and I got married, I have read these boards since day one. I have to say that this topic wouldn't have been tolerated at any time on these forums...not now and not in the past. I can also say that posts like this and others that have appeared recently didn't show up back in the "OLD DAYS". People were much more respectful of one another back then. Lance has always strived to make this a place where everyone can visit. What has changed are peoples attitudes...basically that they have the right to do/post what ever they want and since the moderators have really begun cracking down on that, people are beginning to complain. Nothing ever runs exactly as planned from the start, so if some things were left uncaught in the beginning, it doesn't mean that it was how Lance wanted it. It is prevailing ungrateful attitudes like these that contribute to Lance's thoughts of throwing in the towel.

Aside from the aspect that there are kids under 18 visiting these boards, I know that there are some adults on here that would rather not hear about it on a car forum either. Lance and I happen to be two of them. And if you don't like that, you are more than able to find another site that does.

I have to agree with most people on here. I am 15, I know about sex (duh) and if I wanted porn, I know where to go. When I want to talk about car stuff, I come here. It dosent bother me that I see that sort of stuff on here, but it does get old. This is supposed to be a car forum, talk about cars. I think we should also be able to tlak about whatever we want in the O/T section, but there is a fine line between off topic, and just plain disgusting. I honestly DO like the fact that there isnt any talk about drugs, sex, etc. on here. Sex is good, but keep it between you and yours smile
I'm gonna throw in a few more comments myself smile

Back in the "old days" the folks on here knew how to give and take, find appropriate humor, and discuss even heated topics rationally. And when a problem w/ the way something was handled came up, it was handled privately between the two affected parties. Also, folks were much more attuned to what was "appropriate" and what wasn't.

The spirit behind the management of this site has not changed in any way. Sure some specific rules have had to be created to handle particular situations, but never has the spirit behind the site changed.

I really don't blame lance for being tempted to throw in the towel, it seems the pissing and moaning over this and that and the other thing has almost gotten to be overwhelming, despite the fact that it is far from the majority of the folks doing the complaining. Bottom line, if you don't like the way something is handled, and you want it changed or some explanation, send a PM or email to Lance, Christy, Perry, or Myself, and discuss the matter privately. We will work w/ you to find an equitable solution in line w/ the scope of the website. If you do not get satisfaction from that activity, please, find another forum to spend your time at rather than pollute this one with useless pissing and moaning.

and a couple of reminders:

1. This is not a porn or sex forum.
2. This is not a singles bar.
3. Research the accumulated knowledge of the group whenever possible (ie SEARCH and the FAQs) before asking an obviously common question.
4. This is not a "free speech" site so to speak, though you may say whatever you wish as long as it doesn't violate forum guidelines. and Lance and Outback Gal have final say on forum guidelines.
5. This is the internet, don't be a wuss, and get all bent out of shape if someone else doesn't agree w/ you. This is where flame wars start.
6. If you don't know what you are talking about on a technical matter, don't offer your opinion as fact, please identify it as your opinion. This is for the benefit of those less technically savvy that cannot filter out the junk. (ie, "I installed a K&N air filter, and I gained 45hp at the wheels!")
7. Don't start or continue personal flaming.
8. In a technical debate, please back your stuff up w/ actual technical information, and not just w/ personal flames and things like "well my car never exploded, so it must gain me 45hp at the wheels"
9. "In B4 Da lock" posts are really lame, and waste bandwidth. Do not even consider making one.
10. Zaino isn't magic, but its easy to use, and gives a good shine if used properly.
11. Meguiar's isn't magic either, but also gives a good shine if used properly.
12. Donations are greatly appreciated to further the site, but only under the assumption that Lance continues to call the shots personally, and owes no-one any favors for said donations to the site.
Originally posted by Outback Gal:
Though I've only been a registered member since right before Lance and I got married, I have read these boards since day one. I have to say that this topic wouldn't have been tolerated at any time on these forums...not now and not in the past.
W3rd! smile
Man WTF??? All I hear in every other post is, If you don't like it leave...etc, etc..." Nobody needs to go anywhere! You say that it used to be better? Man, just look at the awesome group atmosphere when this place was in danger of being put into the history books, only a week or so ago. Where were the calls to leave then? I am sick of this BS! It seems that the off topic forums have turned into the perfect breeding grounds for personal tantrums and flame wars... Man oh man.... :rolleyes:
Whoa there, buddy. If you're refering to me, I wasn't telling anyone that. The comment was intended to be interpreted as "if it bothers you that much, why stick around?".

If you aren't directing this at me, I rest my case. smile
I too have been here for awhile. The topics like the one in question were few and far between back then. They pop up more often now, which explains the locking/deletion happening more often. This is a car board, I can see OFF TOPIC allowing threads about 'what should I do when my gf does this?' or 'the civic guys attack their own!' but I will also agree that 'Who have you done in the back of the car?' should be deleted.

Thanks Christy!
I think the reason they pop up more is directly proportional to the decline in age demographics around here. The kids are young, they think it's "cool" to kiss and tell... :rolleyes:
Anyone consider that HS and College is out for the Summer?

kids are bored, things will return to normal in less than a month.

I agree about the demographics, 2 years ago we were talkign about a car that sold for 21-25K. Not too many young'uns could afford it. Now that everyone has the majority of orig. owners have sold we have the young crowd who is moving up into 12K cars.

How sad it is frown
I am very torn on this post. I am very opinionated and enjoy expressing my opinion. I don't believe in being politically correct or censoring things because it might offend people. I don't think it is necessary to shield other's eyes from what it is really there, that they can't see. I greatley enjoy the off-topic area and would/will be sad to see it go. I wouldn't be suprised to see it go because of all the stinks lately (of which I must admit I contribute to).

We (myself greatly included) must remember that this is Lance's site. Yes, many of us made donations recently to help keep it up but WE do not own it HE does. In the event that at somepoint in the future he does transfer ownership to someone else I suppose that could change many things, maybe it would becoome a democracy? Who knows. Most importantly, that's not how it is now, and we should be happy that the CEG is still around.

Ultimately the owner has chosen to have a line drawn in the sand as to what is acceptable and what is not, and having the mods help him enforce it. Letting anything go would elimante squabbles over why people's topics were deleted etc. but in many people's eyes (not mine) would degrade the site. IMO, squabbles will continue to exist until:
A: People stop arguing over topic deletion, or even questioning it
B: Off-topic is removed frown

Originally posted by Pete D:
B: Off-topic is removed frown
Squabbles exist in the local forums and in General as well. It is just more often in Off-Topic. I just think that it is stupid to argue with the mods/admins. It's their rules. That's it. We live by them on CEG, like it or not. Just my opinion.
Cappuccino911, and who are you?
Originally posted by Pete D:
IMO, squabbles will continue to exist until:
A: People stop arguing over topic deletion, or even questioning it
B: Off-topic is removed frown
At this point I'm not even sure I'd like to see Off-Topic; the way it's gotten recently. However, all of the complaint posts could be easily remedied if only the complainer sends a PM to an administrator. None of this outward complaining anymore! (IMHO this should be included in the User Agreement!)
Originally posted by 98 SE:
[b]if only the complainer sends a PM to an administrator.[/b]
It would probably work better if the moderator send the PM to the CEGer. There are different moderators, on at different times of the day. Last thread that sparked one of these 'Where did my thread go' topics, Lance was the person that deleted it. That would mean Lance would have been send a message and wouldn't know what the guy was talking about (unless he asked Christy :p ). All it would take is a little, "Hi, I'm Moderator. I deleted your topic because it is does not follow the rules to the CEG. Have a good day! smile "
Originally posted by Pollo_loco69:
Originally posted by Pete D:
[b]B: Off-topic is removed frown
Squabbles exist in the local forums and in General as well. It is just more often in Off-Topic. I just think that it is stupid to argue with the mods/admins. It's their rules. That's it. We live by them on CEG, like it or not. Just my opinion.[/b]
yup, even though we the users just dropped thousands of dollars to keep this site running. makes a lot of sense. if we paid the money, i see no reason why we shouldnt have a full blown porno section at the CEG if the interest is there. this site is 97% grown men anyway, anyone complaining about a topic about sex needs to loosen up their neck tie or check to see if they still have testicles...

and dont get me wrong, i respect the opinions of most of the big dogs on this site including rara and all of you guys who think the CEG is a class act. i'm just saying, all it does is create hostility when posts are deleted for no good reason. I could care less if sex comes up or not mainly because I keep that part of my life private. but if others want to discuss a topic and it's not pornographic, I see no problem with it.
they wanna remain classy, family-oriented, cut-above-the-rest...

it's all good smile
Originally posted by HellaHydro:
Originally posted by Pollo_loco69:
Originally posted by Pete D:
[b]B: Off-topic is removed frown
Squabbles exist in the local forums and in General as well. It is just more often in Off-Topic. I just think that it is stupid to argue with the mods/admins. It's their rules. That's it. We live by them on CEG, like it or not. Just my opinion.[/b]
yup, even though we the users just dropped thousands of dollars to keep this site running. makes a lot of sense. if we paid the money, i see no reason why we shouldnt have a full blown porno section at the CEG if the interest is there. this site is 97% grown men anyway, anyone complaining about a topic about sex needs to loosen up their neck tie or check to see if they still have testicles...

and dont get me wrong, i respect the opinions of most of the big dogs on this site including rara and all of you guys who think the CEG is a class act. i'm just saying, all it does is create hostility when posts are deleted for no good reason. I could care less if sex comes up or not mainly because I keep that part of my life private. but if others want to discuss a topic and it's not pornographic, I see no problem with it.[/b]
I'm happy for you, but this forum is not the place for such discussions, regardless of who wants to see them. The internet has plenty of other sites where that can be discussed, and we don't wanna use any bandwidth on it.
so if you talk about sex, you don't have class?
Originally posted by *Sway*:
they wanna remain classy, family-oriented, cut-above-the-rest...

it's all good smile
Yes. I see this as almost like a family. An old friend. I have been at the CEG longer than I have been anywhere else. I like it the way it is. smile

Originally posted by HellaHydro:this site is 97% grown men anyway, anyone complaining about a topic about sex needs to loosen up their neck tie or check to see if [b]they still have testicles...

Now that you mention it, I am half the man I used to be wink

Still twice as much lover as most women need, but I won't talk about that here.
Originally posted by Rara:
I'm happy for you, but this forum is not the place for such discussions, regardless of who wants to see them. The internet has plenty of other sites where that can be discussed, and we don't wanna use any bandwidth on it.
gotcha. i just dont like to see other posts deleted just because u guys dont like them... sometimes its not fair.
Originally posted by HellaHydro:
Originally posted by Rara:
[b]I'm happy for you, but this forum is not the place for such discussions, regardless of who wants to see them. The internet has plenty of other sites where that can be discussed, and we don't wanna use any bandwidth on it.
gotcha. i just dont like to see other posts deleted just because u guys dont like them... sometimes its not fair.[/b]
Please give me some examples . . .
Originally posted by HellaHydro:
so if you talk about sex, you don't have class?
It's real classy to talk about sex around 16 year old girls and 15 year old boys, that you've never met, when you are a grown man.
I just don't understand what is so essential about talking about any of this. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by HellaHydro:
yup, even though we the users just dropped thousands of dollars to keep this site running. makes a lot of sense. if we paid the money, i see no reason why we shouldnt have a full blown porno section at the CEG if the interest is there. this site is 97% grown men anyway, anyone complaining about a topic about sex needs to loosen up their neck tie or check to see if they still have testicles...
Everyone donated money to keep a Contour site alive, not a sleazy degrading site. "CEG has been a rated PG site since it's conception, and it always will be. End of story. Enjoy your stay."
yes it's obviously not worth discussing. First it was street racing and now it's sex. I don't think either should be banned but it's not my place to say. I can deal without having those topics and I am happy that the CEG is a positive, clean site to visit. But I do think grown men should be allowed to talk as grown men without having to be censored. just my .02 cents.
Originally posted by HellaHydro:
yes it's obviously not worth discussing. First it was street racing and now it's sex. I don't think either should be banned but it's not my place to say. I can deal without having those topics and I am happy that the CEG is a positive, clean site to visit. But I do think grown men should be allowed to talk as grown men without having to be censored. just my .02 cents.
What about the grown Women (like myself) and the younger guys and gals? We are all part of this site too. We need to respect the fact that this site is not a "Grown Men Only" site. Nuff said.

I don't think for even a second that he ^ was trying to be sexist in anyway. I hope that he is not seen this way...
Originally posted by Milan007:
I don't think for even a second that he ^ was trying to be sexist in anyway. I hope that he is not seen this way...
And I didn't accuse him of being sexist; I was merely pointing out that others besides grown men frequent this site, which was his basis for argument.

=) Christy
I'm always on this site as well. Just my $.02
Plus the Dallas CEG has several women as active members and many non active members who still read the boards.

We's gots lots-o-girls here! laugh
Christy, I wasn't pointing out that you had labeled him as sexist per say, only that the post may have made him look as if he were sexist...

As far as the girlies, man, I wish there were more on here... Well, you get the idea. LOL laugh
I wish for the day that people's questions about their car in the problem section get 3 pages of replies...
Originally posted by MarkO:
I wish for the day that people's questions about their car in the problem section get 3 pages of replies...
Agreed. I think this thread has gone on too long as well.
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