Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: Steve Bassen Spider + Goat = ?? - 06/24/02 02:10 PM,4057,4562471%255E13762,00.html

Is this for real? If so..... WOW
Posted By: Justin Rempe Re: Spider + Goat = ?? - 06/24/02 02:23 PM
Kooky man. I hope it is real. That would kick major arse...
Posted By: todras Re: Spider + Goat = ?? - 06/24/02 02:24 PM
Old story. Cool none the less. As far as I know it's true. I'm never looking at a goat the same again. Never know when I will get trapped in it's web and eaten for brunch. eek
Posted By: Rara Re: Spider + Goat = ?? - 06/24/02 06:03 PM
hmm, I wonder if you can start drinking goat milk to get your fiber . . .

Seriously, if this is real, I would have guessed it would be a little more widely known by now, this is way too big on way too many levels for these guys to be keeping it quiet. unless this is a hoax, and they are just feeding goats kevlar, or spectra . . .
Posted By: Silver Snake Re: Spider + Goat = ?? - 06/24/02 06:11 PM
This sounds way too South Park....

[Stan Marsh] If we combined the DNA from Cartman's pig witht the DNA from that elephant.....whoa, we could have little pot-bellied elaphants and giant elephant sized pigs.....hey fat-ass, we need your pig.... [/Stan Marsh] laugh
Posted By: GreenNuggs Re: Spider + Goat = ?? - 06/24/02 07:07 PM
I saw it reported in various other publications as well. Nexia's stock is at $1.80 with a 34% decrease this month, doesn't sound promising, although maybe its ready for a major breakthrough?
Posted By: Joe Re: Spider + Goat = ?? - 06/24/02 08:01 PM
Imagine what would happen if a spider was bitten by a radioactive man.

A mere spider with the powers of a man!!!!

Manspider, manspider,
Does whatever a man can,
Drinks a beer,
On the couch......
Posted By: DBZJunior Re: Spider + Goat = ?? - 06/24/02 10:36 PM
Imagine what they could do for car parts.. instead of a carbon fiber hood, try a spider silk hood. Or maybe even spider silk condom that could NEVER BREAK.. oh wait.. that's not a car
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