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You got to be kidding me. What the hell is this world coming to? :rolleyes:
Thats pathetic :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
complete and utter horse****.
Opie & Anthony mentioned that during yesterday's show, and we all had a good chuckle at how stupid that was.
I guess the councilwoman would rather have gang-bangers pulling drive-bys and dealing coke on every corner than a dog that rids the city of this filth. One minute incident and everybody goes up in arms, typical for this type of situation... :rolleyes:
Originally posted by PA 3L SVT:
Opie & Anthony mentioned that during yesterday's show, and we all had a good chuckle at how stupid that was.
O&A!!! Those guys are great! WOW! laugh
That's officially one of the top 10 stupidest things ever.

Interesting that the dog went after the kid, though... might have decided to go after whoever showed more fear. Or maybe the drug suspect gave his drugs to the kid first.
I am reminded of SNL and will ferrel doing the dog lawyer skit. Funny stuff.
Police dog accused of racial profiling?
LMAO! Everybody knows dogs are color blind!
Originally posted by T-red2000se:
Police dog accused of racial profiling?
LMAO! Everybody knows dogs are color blind!
So is my dad, but he can always tell when my sisters got **** on her nose, from kissing ass...

My dog used to only bark at Mexicans...I have no idea why, pretty embarassing honestly.
This is less cop-bashing and more "typical liberalism".

Cops aren't immune from it, but neither are old white males...

...a dog that racially profiles.

I've thought for a good 5 minutes on words in English or Spanish that describes the absolute inane stupidity that's incorporated in the mere thought of this happening.

So far, not a single phrase comes to mind.

Question. What this a former Palm Beach voter that happened to pick up and move?

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
-Albert Einstein
What do we expect when you have fools like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton leading the black community?
Dolpho, a 5-year-old German shepherd, can sniff out the difference between marijuana, heroin and cocaine. On the other hand, it appears that councilwoman Wanda Jones Dixon can too, after accusing the dog of racial profiling.

But councilwoman Wanda Jones Dixon said Dolpho can also tell the difference between blacks and whites, and should be put to sleep. A nearby crack addict also pointed out that the councilwoman Wanda Jones Dixon can also tell the difference between blacks and whites, leading calls that councilwoman be put down to save humanity.

On Friday, while K-9 officer Schawn Barger wrestled with a drug suspect, he said a quick-release button on his belt was activated, accidentally opening a door to the K-9 wagon. A while ago, voters wrestling with their confusing ballots accidentily elected Dixon. "After that, we switched to the new fancy electronic system. The cost was well worth the assurance that she won't be re-elected," a councilman said.

Councilwoman Dixon told the city council she has received six complaints about Dolpho in the past year. Three of the people who complained were involved with drugs. We caught up with one of them, Jeffrey Jones, a 36-year old crack addict. "I hit the pig and was running away, and his dog came out of nowhere and bit me. It's out of control." Three others were blacks who believe the dog jumped at or attacked them because of their race. "I was just pushing the cop around and he presses that fancy button thing and that dog tackled me. It continued biting me after I kicked it too. It's like it knew that my motha' was black."

"I had received complaints from African-Americans saying they believe the dog only attacks African-Americans," councilwoman Dixon said Monday. Dixon failed to note that she had also received comments from white trash saying they believe the dog only attacks white trash. "I think the dog makes the distinction. Maybe it's relatives ran a slave ship, or a plantation, or maybe it's a Nazi. Oh' my god! What if it's Hitler's dog?"

Officer Barger, who has worked with Dolpho for more than two years and takes the dog home with him at night, said the dog has never gone after the wrong person before. He said Dolpho became confused during a tense situation. Others believe Dixon became confused during a tense situation.

"The councilwoman saw movement. There was a lot of noise ? a lot of screaming," another said. "It was basically just complete chaos and the councilwoman, she just panicked."

"The officer had no control over that animal. I mean, who can't easily subdue a cracked out junkie? That dog should be put to sleep because I was watching my son. I told him was okay to go yell at the officer and watch the drug dealer fight him. Who doesn't let their kids have a little fun? If we knew who his dad was, he would be mad."

Experts differ on whether dogs can discern race. "They can also tell your nationality, how many years you've went to school, and whether or not you are wearing underwear," said a defendant of councilwoman Dixon.

"To say the dog is racial ... that's ludicrous. That doesn't make sense," Martineau said.

No decision was made on Dolpho's future Monday. Crack addict Jeffrey Jones also stated that he would like "Three of what ever councilwoman Dixon is smoking."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.
I suspect that they don't lead the black community as much as they think. Fools lead fools, and I expect only fools follow them.


Originally posted by PackRat:
What do we expect when you have fools like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton leading the black community?
Can we say lawsauit!
You know that kid's mom is going to see th city, police department, city council, police officer, and dog's treainer for like 10 million dollars saying her son is traumatized for life.
A racial profiling dog?
I think not, dogs aren't capable of the thought processes needed to do this, proven fact.
The council women and all those asking for the dog to be put to sleep need to be put to sleep themselves, save the world from their stupidity.
What was the kid doing while the scuffle was going on?
Standing and watching the scuffle?
Dog probably reacted to an intruder to a tense situation.
I thought dogs were color blind!! laugh
On the other hand, maybe the dog is out of hand but by no means he can racial profile someone. That is just sad! frown
That's about as ridiculous as those with some Detroit newspaper that accused Star Wars Episode II of being racist because the "bad guy" Jango Fett "look Latino". As Rush Limbaugh said..."nothing surprises me anymore".
O'Reilley had some guy one who said that the bad guy looked "third world"...and this was the guy saying that it was racist!

Oh, to be a liberal...


Originally posted by Davo7SVT:
That's about as ridiculous as those with some Detroit newspaper that accused Star Wars Episode II of being racist because the "bad guy" Jango Fett "look Latino". As Rush Limbaugh said..."nothing surprises me anymore".
This is why I like the Fox News channel, they have the most ridiculous stuff, and it's all true!

For once I am agreeing with Sandman, will the insanity never end? :p
I think the fact that it attacked a innocent 9-year old is enough to 'suspend' the dog from police work.
OMG that is lame. Still is pretty bad it attacked a 9-year old kid.
What they probably don't tell you is that the 9 year old's mom and dad light up the chronic every night and his clothes completely reak of it; thus causing the dog to attack.
:rolleyes: Now dogs are racist??? come on..... :rolleyes:
People are just pansies now a days honestly...

I think humans were much better in the stone age...yea we were stupid as all get out but if something bad happened you had to suck it couldn't blame it on someone and make yourself feel better by screwing someone dealt with it and moved on with survival.

Thats the problem with's too easy to survive here...everythings TOO "PC" and there IS too much freedom.

Ex. ANYONE can sue ANYONE for ANYTHING(pretty much anyway) in America...when you give someone who isn't exactly a bright individual that sort of power and freedom to do so it causes problems.

It's odd how in most cases racial profiling seems to be a one way street, say the dog attacked a white child instead of a black child...I can almost certainly garuantee that racial profiling would not even be mentioned in the incident.
I think I'm going to sue the New York State Trooper's speed detection radar for racial profiling! I mean, that radar must have known I'm Chinese and decided to show a reading higher than the speed limit. I'm going prove that to the judge. :p
Originally posted by AirKnight:
I think I'm going to sue the New York State Trooper's speed detection radar for racial profiling! I mean, that radar must have known I'm Chinese and decided to show a reading higher than the speed limit. I'm going prove that to the judge. :p
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you B@$TURD! Now my sides hurt from laughing so much... laugh
even if dogs are colorblind dont they still see in shades or black and white or light and dark?

if so couldn't it be possible to train a dog in a certain way???

as far as racial profiling no one including mr bush wanted to deal with the subject...after 9/11 he almost had to beg the country not to racially profile middle eastern people

didn't read the article just playin honda's advocate laugh
Why not? I haven't seen too many middle eastern/islamic leaders denouncing the terrorist attacks...and the ones that do always have a couple of "but..."'s in their statements.


Originally posted by gdub520:
had to beg the country not to racially profile middle eastern people
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