Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: CSVT1214 Friends hurt in a motorcycle accident - 08/22/06 10:30 PM
I got word today that 2 of my friends were injured in a motorcycle accident in my home town. They were riding down Mix St. in Bristol when a drunk driver took a left hand turn into his driveway while the 2 motorcycles were traveling in the opposite direction and drove straight into the side of his truck.

My friend Allie, who's name was not release to the press, is still in the hospital, with no life threatening injuries (at least thats what I was told so far), but I was told something about some kind internal injury in her head and she was bleeding internally. It has stopped and she is recovering.

My other friend Michelle is in the intensive care unit and they say the next 24 hours are critical for her. They are hoping she will pull through this. At this point though, I have no idea what is going on. It is still being investigated, and even the immediate families are clueless about how and what happened.

The driver was arrested shortly after the accident last night. He left the scene and tried to take off but police caught him not far away.

Heres the video:

And the story:
Man Arrested After Crashing Into Motorcycles

Posted By: Tony2005 Re: Friends hurt in a motorcycle accident - 08/22/06 10:33 PM
Sorry to hear that. Hope she pulls through.
Posted By: snakous Re: Friends hurt in a motorcycle accident - 08/22/06 10:52 PM
That's too bad. At least they didn't hit him head on.

Thoughts are with you.
Holy crap.... Keep us updated man I really hope they pull through.
Posted By: SVT SNOB Re: Friends hurt in a motorcycle accident - 08/22/06 11:10 PM
That is very sad to hear , I hope they all pull through keep us updated.

Posted By: LUCA_dup1 Re: Friends hurt in a motorcycle accident - 08/23/06 12:53 AM
I'm sorry Tony.
I hope Allie continues to do well and wish the best for Michelle! I hope they both make a full recovery.
Keep us posted.
Posted By: CSVT1214 Re: Friends hurt in a motorcycle accident - 08/23/06 07:13 PM
Well Allie is out of the hospital and doing much better now. She can't really remember much about what happened. I guess the motorcyle she was on was the second one to hit, and they were following behind Michelle.

Michelle had brain surgery yesterday and so far is doing better. Still too soon to know much more though.
Posted By: baco99 Re: Friends hurt in a motorcycle accident - 08/23/06 08:25 PM
were they riding without helmets?

i hope she comes out OK.
Posted By: CSVT1214 Re: Friends hurt in a motorcycle accident - 08/24/06 04:01 PM
Originally posted by baco99:
were they riding without helmets?

i hope she comes out OK.

No helmets.

I think both of the girls were never on a motorcycle before, and the 2 guys kept bugging them to go for a ride. They said just a short ride because they had to get going. Neither of the bikes were speeding at the time of the accident.

I heard more about what happened that night.

The driver of the truck went to turn into his driveway, but when he saw the bikes coming towards him, he stopped and waited to turn, then at the last sec, decided to cut in front of them and try to make it in before they got to where he was.
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