Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: KerryKool Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 05:03 AM
The video says it all:

Posted By: TaurusKev Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 08:00 AM
Holy [censored]
Posted By: Big Daddy Kane Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 12:23 PM
Not bad... I always wanted to see more pictures of the aftermath, but IIRC, the Japanese gov't wanted to try to cover it up as much as possible...
Posted By: Pre98 Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 12:24 PM
Impressive animation scenes. Is that part of an historical documentary or something?
Posted By: SnafuFlux_dup1 Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 12:55 PM
Would a human body vaporize like that?
Posted By: ElKy Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 01:11 PM
Originally posted by SnafuFlux:
Would a human body vaporize like that?

[Goodspeed] Vaporized, blown out to sea[/Goodspeed]
Posted By: elraido Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 01:16 PM
Originally posted by SnafuFlux:
Would a human body vaporize like that?

ummm yeah when it reaches temps as hot as the surface of the sun.
Posted By: sigma Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 01:21 PM
Originally posted by SnafuFlux:
Would a human body vaporize like that?

Yes. You can actually still see some of the "shadows" on the concrete where people were standing. Spots where the intense heat was blocked momentarily by a person. At some 3000 degrees near the center of a nuclear explosion the human body just ceases to exist.
Posted By: SnafuFlux_dup1 Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 01:57 PM
damn. I wonder if you'd feel the pain or no? I assume you'd feel something coming towards you, or would the heat just be that fast that 1sec your living 1sec your painlessly gone.
Posted By: IRingTwyce Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 02:00 PM
Personally, I think that would be a pretty good way to go. One second you're standing there minding your own business, next second you don't exist. No pain, no time for fear, just *bam!*
Posted By: Ex-Mean'Tour Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 02:01 PM
Originally posted by SnafuFlux:
Would a human body vaporize like that?

Yes in the immediate blast zone, most things would vaporize. Someone already mentioned the vast heat produced.

Imagine what a REAL nuclear bomb would/ could do. These 2 bombs were relatively small Atomic bombs - yielding about:

Hiroshima - "Little Boy" bomb - 15 kilotons.
Nagasaki - "Fat Man" bomb - 21 kilotons.

A kiloton = the explosive force of 1000 metric tons of TNT (Dynamite). ( reference)

The type of nuclear weapons that the US and Russia had during the Cold War, had yields in the hundreds of kilotons. For example, the "Peacekeeper" missile (more commonly known as the "MX" missile) could carry up to 10 warheads EACH with a 300 kiloton yield.

One "Peacekeeper" missile could drop multiple warheads on multiple targets and the total yield of that one missile would be measured in the megatons (1 megaton = 1 million metric tons of TNT). The US had 50 of them during the height of the Cold War.

That is just plain crazy! The destructive power is truly mind boggling. I have always found the physics and engineering of these sorts of weapons to be fascinating. But the potential power is SCARY ! ! !

That is why we must keep a good watch on North Korea's weapon development program. I don't get political but the thought of this sort of power in the hands of that man... Truly scary.
Posted By: GS474 Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 02:17 PM
Posted By: Tom Thumb Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 02:22 PM
Isn't the nuclear radiation (alpha, beta and gamma radiation) the most damaging part of a nuclear explosion because the contamination can last for decades?
Posted By: Ex-Mean'Tour Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Tom Thumb:
Isn't the nuclear radiation (alpha, beta and gamma radiation) the most damaging part of a nuclear explosion because the contamination can last for decades?

I'm not sure about the most damaging, but it definitely adds to the destruction. People close but not close enough to die in the initial blast will die from Radiation poisoning. Then the area will be contaminated for like you say, decades.
Posted By: platinum_drew Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 05:44 PM
I have heard that somewhere near one of the sites of a nuclear reactor meltdown, they're starting to see wildlife reappear, and other than the fact that the creatures are radioactive they appear to be perfectly healthy.
Posted By: SnafuFlux_dup1 Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 05:56 PM
Originally posted by The Spelling Nazi:
Personally, I think that would be a pretty good way to go. One second you're standing there minding your own business, next second you don't exist. No pain, no time for fear, just *bam!*

I agree, it would be a great way to go. No pain no nothing, if thats the case.
Posted By: todras_dup1 Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 06:35 PM
I'm sure not everyone received a painless death. Radiation is a [censored]. Birth defects in the area are still present to this day. We still should have dropped the bomn though. Did a speech in college about it.
Posted By: Tourige Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 06:42 PM
Atomic bomb videos are really crazy. The sheer size is mind boggling.

I still think The Sum of All Fears is one badass movie.(nuclear explosions and crap)
Posted By: Wien_Sean Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 07:05 PM
Originally posted by platinum_drew:
I have heard that somewhere near one of the sites of a nuclear reactor meltdown, they're starting to see wildlife reappear, and other than the fact that the creatures are radioactive they appear to be perfectly healthy.

They are seeing wildlife in Pripyat, the town near Chernobyl.

Goto This lady has taken her bike around the area and has taken a bunch of photos of what is left. It's a total ghost town, pretty cool stuff. There is a photo of wild horses running around.
Posted By: todras_dup1 Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 07:08 PM
Originally posted by Wien_Sean:

Goto This lady has taken her bike around the area and has taken a bunch of photos of what is left. It's a total ghost town, pretty cool stuff. There is a photo of wild horses running around.

And parts of it were a hoax.

Link 2.
Posted By: BloodyTomFlint Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 07:17 PM
National Geographic just recently did a story on it. It was very interesting. You might be able to find it online somewhere.
Posted By: IRingTwyce Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 07:34 PM
Originally posted by todras:
Originally posted by Wien_Sean:

Goto This lady has taken her bike around the area and has taken a bunch of photos of what is left. It's a total ghost town, pretty cool stuff. There is a photo of wild horses running around.

And parts of it were a hoax.

Link 2.

I started to post that link, right up until I found the hoax info. Yay search function!
Posted By: Wien_Sean Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 09:10 PM
Originally posted by The Spelling Nazi:
Originally posted by todras:
Originally posted by Wien_Sean:

Goto This lady has taken her bike around the area and has taken a bunch of photos of what is left. It's a total ghost town, pretty cool stuff. There is a photo of wild horses running around.

And parts of it were a hoax.

Link 2.

I started to post that link, right up until I found the hoax info. Yay search function!

She still went there, and as the author in the first link says, who cares if she added a story about a lone bike ride? It matters little to me if she was alone or not, she still got some fantastic photos.

Here is a link to a BBC news article about some of the wildlife that is coming back to there area.
Posted By: IRingTwyce Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 09:58 PM
Originally posted by Wien_Sean:
Here is a link to a BBC news article about some of the wildlife that is coming back to there area.

Don't forget the pics:

Posted By: GS474 Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 10:11 PM
in the past 2 years ive been doing a [censored]-ton of research
on Chernobyl ive seen every video on it i would say ive read everything on it but you never know with the internet theres always new stuff coming up

i have a foign exhange student friend i talk to that says you can't even open a history book in russia with out knowing almost everything about it

theres even a game being made i don't know if its out yet i havent visited the game site in about a year

very interesting sad topic with this topic the more i know about it the more i want to know
Posted By: 1314_dup1 Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 10:38 PM
That vid is just a clip from a show that aired on the Discovery Channel last Sunday, August 6, which I believe was the anniversary date of the dropping of the bomb on Hiroshima. I just happened to catch it from the beginning.

The name of the show was "Hiroshima: The First Weapon of Mass Destruction". 2 hours long. It had interviews of a few people who survived and the guy who armed the bomb in the air before it dropped. I was glad I caught it as I don't see when it airs again.
Posted By: Big Daddy Kane Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 10:54 PM
Originally posted by GS474:
theres even a game being made i don't know if its out yet i havent visited the game site in about a year

I hope it's awesome, because I'm buying it when it comes out (been waiting for a long time)!

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl - Looks like 2007Q1 is when it will be realeased!
Posted By: GS474 Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/10/06 11:51 PM
you know its going to be good ive seen video of it from the website not to mention they have been working on this game for quite a while
Posted By: MAZDASPEED Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/11/06 01:57 AM
I hope my Miata isn't giving me cancer while a drive was made in Hiroshima.
Posted By: KerryKool Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/11/06 03:22 AM
Originally posted by MAZDASPEED:
I hope my Miata isn't giving me cancer while a drive was made in Hiroshima.

You have a warrenty... right?
Posted By: MAZDASPEED Re: Hiroshima Bomb Reenactment - 08/11/06 01:46 PM
For the car = yes. Balls = no.
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