Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
On the way to work this morning, an SUV ran a stopsign and hit my co-worker's car. The woman that hit my co-worker had: no insurance, license, wore no seatbelt and did NOT have her toddler aged child in a car seat or even seatbelted into a seat! And of this woman was also an illegal alien so it would be a waste of time to even try and sue for damages.

My co-worker is currently at the hospital still for observation as the airbags deployed. What really sucks was this is her first car. She bought it herself brand new last year after graduation college. She was so proud of the car and now it is likely totalled.

Pics are below, sorry for the quality, they're from a camera phone.

That sucks, I have decided to start of my weekend by going to the beach for the rest of the afternoon. SUCKAZ!
That's a 6 right?
Originally posted by XKontour98:
That's a 6 right?

It was a 6. I just got an update; my co-worker has a broken lumbar vertabre. No more info at the moment; we are hoping to hear more soon as the place we work is more like a family than a job. We are all a fairly tight knit group so there is like no work getting done.
Whoa! That doesn't sound good.
Posted By: Tourige Re: What a way to start off the weekend! - 06/09/06 08:19 PM
Originally posted by TheAlmightyMe:
Originally posted by XKontour98:
That's a 6 right?

It was a 6. I just got an update; my co-worker has a broken lumbar vertabre.

[censored], farking illegals.. they should all be shot.
that really sucks!!! I wish her all the best of luck, especially with a broken lumbar vert.
I hope her uninsured motorist coverage is good.
Posted By: Stevers Re: What a way to start off the weekend! - 06/09/06 08:22 PM
Deport the see-you-en-tee.

Hope your friend comes through 100%.

Maybe the insurance companies should get on board with the laws against illegals. Though I'm sure their payouts are less than what people pay in uninsured motorist charges.
Originally posted by TheAlmightyMe:
Originally posted by XKontour98:
That's a 6 right?

It was a 6. I just got an update; my co-worker has a broken lumbar vertabre.

PLEASE tell me the woman who hit her didn't freakin' walk away unscathed.
Your description of that woman just kept getting better and better...she must have a brain the size of a split pea.
Originally posted by Jeb Hoge:
Originally posted by TheAlmightyMe:
Originally posted by XKontour98:
That's a 6 right?

It was a 6. I just got an update; my co-worker has a broken lumbar vertabre.

PLEASE tell me the woman who hit her didn't freakin' walk away unscathed.

Duh! Of course she far as I know...for now.
Posted By: GS474 Re: What a way to start off the weekend! - 06/09/06 08:49 PM
Originally posted by Tourige:
Originally posted by TheAlmightyMe:
Originally posted by XKontour98:
That's a 6 right?

It was a 6. I just got an update; my co-worker has a broken lumbar vertabre.

[censored], farking illegals.. they should all be shot.


lets go kill us some illegals
Well, at least here in MN, uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage only goes towards medical costs, not for damages to your car. I think there are a few states that have unisured coverage for physical damage, but most states your only recourse is throught the legal system. Therefore, I think most insurance companies should get on board.
Originally posted by GS474:
Originally posted by Tourige:
Originally posted by TheAlmightyMe:
Originally posted by XKontour98:
That's a 6 right?

It was a 6. I just got an update; my co-worker has a broken lumbar vertabre.

[censored], farking illegals.. they should all be shot.


lets go kill us some illegals

she should sue the government, on the grounds they arent protecting the border!
Posted By: GS474 Re: What a way to start off the weekend! - 06/10/06 06:41 AM
good idea
Posted By: Pigeon Re: What a way to start off the weekend! - 06/10/06 02:26 PM
Originally posted by TheAlmightyMe:
Originally posted by XKontour98:
That's a 6 right?

It was a 6. I just got an update; my co-worker has a broken lumbar vertabre. No more info at the moment; we are hoping to hear more soon as the place we work is more like a family than a job. We are all a fairly tight knit group so there is like no work getting done.

Yea illegal immigrants! In New York you have to show proof of insurance to register a car - what's the law in California? I can only assume that your friend had full coverage on her car since there's probably a loan involved. A fractured lumbar vertebra isn't necessarily as bad as it sounds. Assuming it's a compression fracture she'll likely have back pain for 6-10 weeks and then be fine.

If her uninsured motorist insurance coverage isn't that high tell (25k minimum in NY, don't know about California) her not to bother with a lawyer initially, as he'll just suck up 1/3 of her settlement for something that she can likely collect 100% of herself with some perseverence. Only get a lawyer if they won't pay.

2004 or 2005 Mazda6i w/ the equipment package.

At the very least, this should get that oriface deported, with all of her assets here frozen to pay damages.

Yeah, uninsured and underinsured mororiat coverages are designed poorly, where they don't really protect you. They should also cover property damages like YOUR CAR!
Normally Comprehensive will cover your vehicle's dammages, while uninsured covers medical up to your liability limits.
Posted By: svt4stv Re: What a way to start off the weekend! - 06/10/06 09:33 PM
Originally posted by Pigeon:

Yea illegal immigrants! In New York you have to show proof of insurance to register a car - what's the law in California?

same thing here. if you can get phony driver's license, passports, greencards dont think it would be hard to get a piece of paper that says you have insurance do you??? ive had idiot friends who've done this i can guarantee you that it's done all over NY as well.

hell, you have to show proof of smog passing to register here. my 3L wasnt exactly emissions friendly even after i visited ADC but my friend who bought my car paid $100 and it "passed"

that woman should have been arrested for child endangerment!! to me, that's the worst part of the friggin story! ive actually seen people do this too, not just illegals, but usually ive seen adults with toddlers sitting on their laps!! i saw a black family with 8 kids in the car that seats five!! some people just shouldnt be allowed to breed
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