Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: Blevans Gotta love this guy! - 09/08/05 02:04 AM
Quote from Jefferson Parish president, Aaron Broussard:

"So I'm asking Congress, please investigate this now. Take whatever idiot they have at the top of whatever agency and give me a better idiot. Give me a caring idiot. Give me a sensitive idiot. Just don't give me the same idiot."
Posted By: Marky_dup1 Re: Gotta love this guy! - 09/08/05 02:09 AM
This is the same guy that was on TV crying like a child. This just proves that anyone can look like they are doing a good job when things are going well. Throw a problem at them and they fold.
Posted By: hellahydrox Re: Gotta love this guy! - 09/08/05 02:46 AM
This guy is a jerkoff. Crying on national tv like a little schoolgirl.... I know I would feel safe with him guiding the way.
Posted By: JB1 Re: Gotta love this guy! - 09/08/05 03:36 AM
i heard that on the radio this afternoon and i could stop laughing.
Posted By: Blevans Re: Gotta love this guy! - 09/08/05 04:24 AM
There is enough bleme to spread from Geotge W. Bush and all the way down to the mayor of NOLA.

After the pictures of the NOLA catastropy had been on TV and radio for three days, Mr Michael Brown, Director of FEMA, had the balls to state on TV that he had "no credible evidence" of the situation. The whole world knew but he didn't? Then the story was the military supply trucks could not get thru. Walmart had 13 trucks with water and food the first day, and the large TV satellite trucks got thru. The last job Brown had prior the FEMA job was being a Supervisor of Arabian Horse Shows, and he was FIRED from that job. Political appointment and only a fool would have even considered him for the job!!! Does this give you a feeling of confidence in FEMA helping in disasters??

Evidently George W. Bush either also did not know or did not care about the situation as he proceeded to Arizona and California for POLITCAL FUND RAISING.
To hell with NOLA.

And can you explain howcome the helicopters were dropping 3000 pound sand bags on the levee. I think more lives could have been saved by carrying 3000 pounds of water and food in and then carrying 3000 pound of live people out to safety!! Since they plugged the levee, by the time they could have possibly pumped the water out many more people would have had to die of starvation or disease and or dehydration.

And BTW how is it that already the contract for rebuilding of the New Orleans Naval Air Station has already been let. Only one bid was considered! Have you ever heard of Haiburton ?? And the big daddy of Haliburton is ....?
Posted By: JB1 Re: Gotta love this guy! - 09/08/05 05:11 AM
Originally posted by JB1:
i heard that on the radio this afternoon and i could stop laughing.

thats couldn't stop laughing.

stupid post editing time limits
Posted By: todras_dup1 Re: Gotta love this guy! - 09/08/05 12:30 PM
Originally posted by hellahydrox:
This guy is a jerkoff. Crying on national tv like a little schoolgirl.... I know I would feel safe with him guiding the way.

Post needs more hella ebonics.
Posted By: RTStabler51_dup1 Re: Gotta love this guy! - 09/08/05 12:49 PM

I'm glad you read tons of left articles and don't rally get yourself in tune with the real world situation. You can cut and paste pretty darn good!

You do know, that George W. Bush, the President, has a country to run and has numerous agencies to take care of such things as this disaster? What do you want the man to do pull a magical rabbit from his ass and / or wave a magic wand to fix it over night?

Let's see, why are helicopters dropping sandbags to fix the levees? BECAUSE THE [censored] LEVEESA ARE WHAT FLOOD THE CITY there bright one. There are about 355 +/- helicopters down there, I don't think at day 6 or 7 taking about 20 or however many of the those helicopters to fx the levee SO THEY CAN PUMP OUT THE CITY are going to save hundreds of people.


Who's fault is this?

What about this? Why didn't they listen?
Originally posted by BBC Article:
The Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco said at the same news conference that President Bush had called and personally appealed for a mandatory evacuation.

And this?
Originally posted by BBC Article:

The night before, National Hurricane Director Max Mayfield had called Mayor Nagin to tell him that an evacuation was needed. Why were these calls necessary?


I can keep on going.
The left wants to continually, no matter what, blame everything on Bush. Bottom line is, New Orleans failed itself an the state of Louisana failed itself, first and for most.

I'll shut up now...

Originally posted by Blevans:
There is enough bleme to spread from Geotge W. Bush and all the way down to the mayor of NOLA.

After the pictures of the NOLA catastropy had been on TV and radio for three days, Mr Michael Brown, Director of FEMA, had the balls to state on TV that he had "no credible evidence" of the situation. The whole world knew but he didn't? Then the story was the military supply trucks could not get thru. Walmart had 13 trucks with water and food the first day, and the large TV satellite trucks got thru. The last job Brown had prior the FEMA job was being a Supervisor of Arabian Horse Shows, and he was FIRED from that job. Political appointment and only a fool would have even considered him for the job!!! Does this give you a feeling of confidence in FEMA helping in disasters??

Evidently George W. Bush either also did not know or did not care about the situation as he proceeded to Arizona and California for POLITCAL FUND RAISING.
To hell with NOLA.

And can you explain howcome the helicopters were dropping 3000 pound sand bags on the levee. I think more lives could have been saved by carrying 3000 pounds of water and food in and then carrying 3000 pound of live people out to safety!! Since they plugged the levee, by the time they could have possibly pumped the water out many more people would have had to die of starvation or disease and or dehydration.

And BTW how is it that already the contract for rebuilding of the New Orleans Naval Air Station has already been let. Only one bid was considered! Have you ever heard of Haiburton ?? And the big daddy of Haliburton is ....?

Posted By: Blevans Re: Gotta love this guy! - 09/08/05 04:21 PM
I never said "conspiracy" I think the word should be "incompetency" from the top to the bottom. Both liberals and conservatives screwed up royally!!! I don't think The media created the dead bodies I have seen on TV, and reports from individuals I know that live NorEast of the flooded area. Mississippi and Alabama were hit very hard also and their help did not have to go thru flooded areas but their aid was also far too slow. Justify that if you can!

BTW could Haliburton be that large because they have gotten "special consideration" on contracts for years?

And no I am not a Liberal/Democtrat! We look like total FOOLS to the entire world!
If we can't take care of our own country how can we tell the rest of the world to run theirs.

I don't know if we have accepted any of the foreign aid offered, but I do know that with some countries it will be an insult if we refuse their help.
Posted By: DopePope Re: Gotta love this guy! - 09/08/05 04:42 PM
you are wrong, liberals and conservatives did not screw up, the entire political spectrum of this country has nothing to do with it. The people that screwed up are the idiots in LA that don't know what they are doing.
Posted By: myfastse_dup1 Re: Gotta love this guy! - 09/08/05 05:16 PM
Originally posted by Blevans:
I never said "conspiracy" I think the word should be "incompetency" from the top to the bottom. Both liberals and conservatives screwed up royally!!! I don't think The media created the dead bodies I have seen on TV, and reports from individuals I know that live NorEast of the flooded area. Mississippi and Alabama were hit very hard also and their help did not have to go thru flooded areas but their aid was also far too slow. Justify that if you can!

BTW could Haliburton be that large because they have gotten "special consideration" on contracts for years?

And no I am not a Liberal/Democtrat! We look like total FOOLS to the entire world!
If we can't take care of our own country how can we tell the rest of the world to run theirs.

I don't know if we have accepted any of the foreign aid offered, but I do know that with some countries it will be an insult if we refuse their help.

I lived in hurricane zone my entire life. Hurricane Diane, Fran, Bertha. Any of those ring a bell. I don't think you realize that relief on this type of scale has never been dealt with. Just look at hurricanes from recent past. Most of relief comes from the state or local level shortly after a hurricane. Not the federal government level. Sure FEMA comes in and helps out but this is usually a few days after and they usually have access to the area via roads and can bring in equipment fairly easy. I was in the local volunteer Fire Dept and we brought aid to the people. We cleared the roads of the tree, we got to the people that needed aid. You have to realize that every local agency that normally helps in this type of situation CAN'T. Plus, I don't ever remember Wal-Mart bringing us any water. Just remember that the government is not the major provider of "initial" help in these types of situations. The local government is.
Posted By: Blevans Re: Gotta love this guy! - 09/08/05 05:21 PM
Originally posted by DopePope:
you are wrong, liberals and conservatives did not screw up, the entire political spectrum of this country has nothing to do with it. The people that screwed up are the idiots in LA that don't know what they are doing.

Forget about NOLA!
How about the "idiots" that live in Mississippi and Alabama,
What did they do wrong to cause the delays? They did not have the flood waters to hinder aid. The homes, businesses and hotels blown to the ground we all saw on TV were "no credible evidence"? There is no way this can be justified!
Posted By: JaTo_dup1 Re: Gotta love this guy! - 09/08/05 05:23 PM
Originally posted by Blevans:
...BTW could Haliburton be that large because they have gotten "special consideration" on contracts for years?

Learn and be free:

It's dated back to '03, but discusses the BS that has been floated around about Haliburton. Don't you find it ODD that Clinton went against the LOGCAP award structure during his presidency and went with KBR/Haliburton just because they felt that Dyncorp (the LOGCAP contract holder at the time) couldn't do HALF the job the KBR/haliburton could?

Or is this a case where you will "laud" Clinton for going against the contract in support of "Big Oil" and then turn around and chastise Bush for following procedure?

If so, grab your "hypocrisy" cap and slap it on for the remainder of Bush's term in office...

That's not to say they haven't screwed up in places or pulled some zingers every now and then, but the brush that many idiots paint them with is far too broad and entirely partisan...

Do a search on LOGCAP and take a look through the GAO website if you are "willing" to learn more.
Posted By: SVTatGT Re: Gotta love this guy! - 09/08/05 05:42 PM
The worst part is that Halliburton actually manufactured the hurricane in one of their eastern atlantic natural disaster plants.

Posted By: RTStabler51_dup1 Re: Gotta love this guy! - 09/08/05 05:45 PM
How did the federal government 'screw up'? It took four days to get stuff down there and troops down there. That's pretty damn good IMO. If you realize what kind of logistics are involved etc etc. The only 'bad' thing I think that has happened at the Federal leave is the beaucracy (sp?) with FEMA and the intitial push. Something that I'm sure has been quickly fixed.

BTW, Mexico just rolled a few conveys of kitchen and water treatment into texas and is on its way to Houston and/or San Antonio.

Originally posted by Blevans:
I never said "conspiracy" I think the word should be "incompetency" from the top to the bottom. Both liberals and conservatives screwed up royally!!! I don't think The media created the dead bodies I have seen on TV, and reports from individuals I know that live NorEast of the flooded area. Mississippi and Alabama were hit very hard also and their help did not have to go thru flooded areas but their aid was also far too slow. Justify that if you can!

BTW could Haliburton be that large because they have gotten "special consideration" on contracts for years?

And no I am not a Liberal/Democtrat! We look like total FOOLS to the entire world!
If we can't take care of our own country how can we tell the rest of the world to run theirs.

I don't know if we have accepted any of the foreign aid offered, but I do know that with some countries it will be an insult if we refuse their help.

You need to re-read his statement. He is talking about the Mayor / Governor level 'idiots' which I completely agree with.

Originally posted by Blevans:
Originally posted by DopePope:
you are wrong, liberals and conservatives did not screw up, the entire political spectrum of this country has nothing to do with it. The people that screwed up are the idiots in LA that don't know what they are doing.

Forget about NOLA!
How about the "idiots" that live in Mississippi and Alabama,
What did they do wrong to cause the delays? They did not have the flood waters to hinder aid. The homes, businesses and hotels blown to the ground we all saw on TV were "no credible evidence"? There is no way this can be justified!

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