Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: Guitarman19853 Why do people have to rip off stores? - 07/21/05 02:20 AM
So i went to pep-boys to get a clay bar kit to remove some overspray and other crap from my car... i get home and just to see what the thing was, i opened it.... only to find that the clay bar was missing! it had the lube and the thing of wax that it comes with... but the box did look re sealed... someone must've bought the kit, took the clay bar and returned it... i suppose everyone does something like that sometime... maybe they screwed up the one they bought... but still... its just annoying
Originally posted by guitarman19853:
So i went to pep-boys to get a clay bar kit to remove some overspray and other crap from my car... i get home and just to see what the thing was, i opened it.... only to find that the clay bar was missing! it had the lube and the thing of wax that it comes with... but the box did look re sealed... someone must've bought the kit, took the clay bar and returned it... i suppose everyone does something like that sometime... maybe they screwed up the one they bought... but still... its just annoying

I don't do that...Dishonesty = BAD!

My favorite is when you are looking through CD's at the store, and you there is no CD in the case...
Posted By: HITMANinMI Re: Why do people have to rip off stores? - 07/21/05 02:32 AM
I dont know Meijers just did a no reciept = no store credit, or money back, new policy they got going.

well i never actually took something out of a package and returned it or stole anything... i did, however, return a dvd that i pretty much pulled out of the package then badly scratched when putting it into my dvd player... i told them that it was like that when i opened it... it was either that or hae a $20 coaster... im not saying that its right... but when you're in that situation... wouldnt you do it?
Posted By: rouar Re: Why do people have to rip off stores? - 07/21/05 03:41 AM
I've kept accessories when returning computer items - but it's always accidental, something I find out after I return home having completed the transaction. In 1998 I bought a Logitech Cordless Desktop wireless keyboard/mouse .. the keyboard didn't stand straight so I exchanged it, not realizing I had kept the PS2-to-serial mouse adapter and the PS2-to-(whatever, old style) keyboard adapter. So now I have two of each, all sitting unused. Same deal with my WinTV bought and exchanged in 1999; I accidently kept the 6" ministereo cord (so now I have two .. the difference here being that those cords are highly useful to me).
Posted By: PDXSVT Re: Why do people have to rip off stores? - 07/21/05 06:16 PM
Does Wynona Ryder have friends in your neighborhood?
Posted By: TaurusKev Re: Why do people have to rip off stores? - 07/21/05 07:56 PM
Originally posted by guitarman19853:
well i never actually took something out of a package and returned it or stole anything... i did, however, return a dvd that i pretty much pulled out of the package then badly scratched when putting it into my dvd player... i told them that it was like that when i opened it... it was either that or hae a $20 coaster... im not saying that its right... but when you're in that situation... wouldnt you do it?

Your right. If the package was previously opened, it is up to Customer Service to inspect it, or have another person inspect it, and make sure everything is there, or in proper shape. Stores fault.
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