Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
Posted By: TGO Latest Police Shootout - 05/11/05 03:46 AM
This is a direct copy and paste from another forum:

And now, here's Ron White with an unrelated and yet relevant quote:

"The state of California is trying to outlaw first-person shooter hand-gun video games. Apparently, kids are learning how to accurately shoot hand-guns with the use of these games. It's not the game's designers fault. It's a parenting problem. Whenever we have a problem, you try to tack a genuine solution to it that has nothing to do with the problem. It's a parenting problem. I've got an idea. Don't outlaw those video games, give them to the State Troopers of California, 'cause they're some of the worst shots I've ever seen in my life. These cops have a shoot-out with 3 brothers who get out of a white Suburban at POINT... BLANK... RANGE... Nobody gets hurt. There was a kid in Michigan three years ago that shot eight bullets and hit nine people. These two cops shot 22 bullets, and didn't even hit the [censored] Suburban."
Posted By: svt4stv Re: Latest Police Shootout - 05/11/05 04:02 AM
i saw this on the news last night. they were LA county sherrifs, maybe a CHP or two. from what i saw on the news, i thought there was only one guy in the Tahoe (not suburban) and he was shot four times. (in good condition though).

the moment i first saw that clip go up on the news i noticed how there were cops on both sides of the truck facing each other! i thought, those morons are gonna shoot each other! sure enough, one got hit. didnt pierce his kevlar though. they did rush him to the hospital anyways (for a 9mm round into Kevlar!) they showed him on the news, he was fine.

they said the cops put more bullets into the surrounding homes then into the vehicle. seemed like more than 11 though. there were bullet holes in people's living room windows! what do you expect though. it was in wicky wicky Compton! like the cops care

they showed that one deputy yelling at the cameraman. that was pretty funny. the deputy was like "get outta here! theres shots fired!" and the cameraman was like "no man, im fine!" boy that deputy looked pissed at him.
Posted By: JaTo_dup1 Re: Latest Police Shootout - 05/11/05 04:37 AM

They must have dumped 50-60 rounds at the truck.

I'm smelling an ass-chewing, especially for the guys that allowed themselves to engage in a cross-fire with each other.
Posted By: svt4stv Re: Latest Police Shootout - 05/11/05 05:15 AM
update: 118 shots fired, by police only. suspect unarmed.

the news says that Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson are on their way to LA now

theorized cop excuse. one officer slipped and fell so other officers thought he was being shot at and unloaded on the suspect/each other.

whats "funny" is that LA Sherrifs claim to be the top dogs in town with far superior training and tactics then LAPD and other area law enforcement agencies. DOH!

um yeah, i dont see this shootout at the OK Corral with bullets striking homes happening in Brentwood.
Posted By: 99blacksesport_dup1 Re: Latest Police Shootout - 05/11/05 08:00 AM
Originally posted by svt4stv:
update: 118 shots fired, by police only. suspect unarmed.

the news says that Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson are on their way to LA now

theorized cop excuse. one officer slipped and fell so other officers thought he was being shot at and unloaded on the suspect/each other.

whats "funny" is that LA Sherrifs claim to be the top dogs in town with far superior training and tactics then LAPD and other area law enforcement agencies. DOH!

um yeah, i dont see this shootout at the OK Corral with bullets striking homes happening in Brentwood.

Umm last time I checked driving your car at a police officer was grounds for deadly force, and when I saw that video thats what I saw... But then again, knowing that wouldn't allow you to bash the cops. Oh, and you can join Al and the other attention whores that are going to start the racism $hit again. I feel bad for the other cops that are going to have to work that area after good ol' Al starts his hate the white people speaches again.
Posted By: DopePope Re: Latest Police Shootout - 05/11/05 08:19 AM
News said that the majority of the shots were fired at the tires... dunno if that makes up for anything. I hate to use a better safe than sorry act here, but if you've been chasing some guy for a long time, then he drives his car at you...I think I'm gonna [attempt] to shoot his arse

The main problem I had with their actions was it that it looked like some training just flew out the window, now I know thats a stressful situation and all, but thats when training is supposed to help.
Posted By: WhiteC Re: Latest Police Shootout - 05/11/05 11:41 AM
Posted By: TGO Re: Latest Police Shootout - 05/11/05 02:08 PM
I kinda jumped a bit when the cop was yelling at the guy with the camera, and then started pointing his gun at him!!

I dunno if the guy was driving the car at the cops, or he had been shot and was just rolling...the guy was hit.

Deadly force can be had with one shot, not 117 into the car and various houses...
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