Contour Enthusiasts Group Archives
I wish you all the best of days tommorrow and I hope you all get to spend some time with your families. Life is too short not to take advantage of times like these. Lets make a list of all that we're thankful for this year! I'll start...

This year I'm thankful for...

All my CEG friends without whom I would have never learned so much about cars and I who I never would have had the opportunity to take a picture of a Civic about roll backwards off a cliff!

All my non-CEG friends without whom this life wouldn't be near as exciting as it is!

And most importantly, my family. Without them I wouldn't be the person I am that bad or good...I'm thankful for them.


Happy Thanksgiving to everyone as well.

I have a lot to be thankful for as well. I'm always thankful for my family, that's a given. There's a girl in my life that I hope she knows how thankful I am everyday for her. There's so much more that it would take up way to much space here.
I wouls also like to add my thanks this year-
to many people i give a lot of thanks - its been a very tough year for me with my job change and selling Samantha -
you guys stuck through it with me. I would also like to thank my parents and girlfriend - they have taken me away from my problems and showed me a better life.
I would also like to thank my friends for their stupidity - thats why I love you guys- i fit right in!

I would also like to thank my God for His love and guidence, for taking a moronic guy and steering me in His ways.

(ps the mayor of provo autherized us a 1.5 % of salary christmas bonus- I guess hes entitled to a thanks as well - it was a measly $50 but its better than nothing- (KMS!)
I'd like to thank everyone in our armed forces for serving and putting us before themselves. I think about my friends in the 2nd Ranger BTN and the 25th INF BTN everyday! May you all see another day to help us all as you have been. May your training continue to keep you guys safe, RANGERS LEAD THE WAY!

I'd like to thank everyone on CEG for the vast amount of knowledge and support I've been able to receive. Without you guys, I wouldn't have been able to get to where I am today with my SVT!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Nice post idea, Brad.

I was away in CA visiting the girlfriend and her family for thanksgiving, and for that I am thankful.

I'm very thankful of all the love, support, and laughs all of my friends and family constantly provide me with.

I'm thankful for the internet, CEG, and of course my CEG buddies. Without these things, I might have acutually accomplished something these past two hours.
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